Well, the problem is: this will be my first copter, I have never hold any copters in my hands and I don't recognize details on pictures (since I have never seen them live). That's why I'm asking what should I buy. When I get all this puzzle in my hands, I'll start to look to the pictures

Yes, I have seen you "sandwich" design made in order to decrease interference between electronics and GPS antenna (if I understood correctly). Looks interesting, I could consider this for future adjustment
It seems that I've missed very important, but rather obvious moment. Is it so that I do need also a power distribution board? Obviously, I have only 2 connections at the battery exit and I need to connect at least 6 pairs of ESC's and 1 pair of Naza. Strange, that I didn't think about this before. But there is no so big choise of power distribution boards. And in this kit I don't see any board either.
Sorry If I'm asking totally dumb questions, I'm trying to learn