10kg Heavy lifter

What size are those xoars? 15x4?
Also why haven't you used the nacelles? I am trying to decide if I will mount mine.
Sweet build.


Heli's & Tele's bloke
What I want to know is how are these big muthas are powered and for how long they can keep themselves airborne, dragging around their power-hungry 2.5kg worth of motors and never mind the weight of camera they are reputed to be able to carry. With the AD-8 HLE touted as being Canon 5D capable I am entirely unimpressed by its miserable 6 minute flight time with the 5D onboard.


Active Member
Nice build Krleas. I have the same octo, but I dont use the carbon fibre cage over the top as I feel all that carbon right above the GPS is going to cause problems...dont forget that CF causes problems with RC receivers and will do so with sateliite signals!
Have you flown her yet? She does fly very smooth & I get 5 mins from 8000ma lipos.



Drone Enthusiast
With the AD-8 HLE touted as being Canon 5D capable I am entirely unimpressed by its miserable 6 minute flight time with the 5D onboard.

Its not the AD8 that is preventing more than 6 mins flight time.. Its the physics of your build nothing to do with the frame



FPV Freak
Nice build Krleas. I have the same octo, but I dont use the carbon fibre cage over the top as I feel all that carbon right above the GPS is going to cause problems...dont forget that CF causes problems with RC receivers and will do so with sateliite signals!
Have you flown her yet? She does fly very smooth & I get 5 mins from 8000ma lipos.


Do u use 5s, any payload for 5 min?
What props do u use?


I got a question am i gonna be able to make one like that using DJi WKM and it will be easier am I right? but donot know if these motor gonna be compatible with DJI

Please post some payload weights, Lipo configs and flight times. I want to fly the Red with lens and downlink gear (9-10lbs). Can I achieve 10 min or more flight time with your configuration? What would the longest flight time acheivable be?


Drone Enthusiast
Please tell me more. Are you suggesting that the six minutes can be improved upon?

Not sure if you can drag it out much more.. start a thread or I think you did a build thread. Post you final config in there rather than use Krleas's build thread and we'll take a look see.

If my BL's did not over heat in a hover I am getting 12/13 mins from 2 5000mah bats on my ADX3 with 550D

