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  1. P

    Today I find a store selling the all DJI Phantom parts and DIY parts with best price

    lol... red is cool. However, what I was trying to say is that having the same color lights all the way around the aircraft doesn't help with orientation, in fact it probably makes it worse. The pilot needs to know front/back/left/right. So the LEDs viewable from the front should be a...
  2. P

    Low Vol Warning is Allways ON(video)

    Buena suerte de un latino a otro! ;)
  3. P

    Low Vol Warning is Allways ON(video)

    Have you calibrated the voltage meter within the Wookong? (I'm assuming you are using a Wookong.) I.e. have you verified that the voltage in the Software Assistant matches the input voltage?
  4. P

    S800 and zenmuse change between one and two operators

    Looking forward to hearing more about it. Coming from you, I'm sure it'll be we'll thought out. I had previously thought of tying a 2p3t switch on a servo connector to switch my SBUS wire from one receiver to the other, but I'll wait to see what u come up with.
  5. P

    Naza-M Blinking 3 Red Even After Long Wait

    My bad Bob. I should have returned and posted that it was a defective GPS puck. My vendor sent me a replacement one and it worked immediately. This was one of those cases where RCRUS just sent me the antenna without me asking once I described the situation. Great service!
  6. P

    Today I find a store selling the all DJI Phantom parts and DIY parts with best price

    The problem with those lights is that there is no orientation to them, Fred. I would recommend hobbytoys77 sell a set of LEDs with different colors for orientation purposes.
  7. P

    S800, total weight 7kg, should I still use maxamps?

    I personally go with dual packs and it just gives me a little warm fuzzy thinking one can backup the other... but that may not totally be the case. A true "short" in either will cause the fail. But if it's just a bad cell, then the other battery will carry the system until you land. I know...
  8. P

    Rc701 dual diversity monitor how to switch between to signals...

    Matt, You would have to have two separate receivers, both using different channels, and then have the monitor switch between receivers carrying the different signals. What I did is use the channel switching of the iOSD which allows for two cameras to be connected, then you switch it using one of...
  9. P

    S800 and zenmuse change between one and two operators

    Hope the setup works for you. If not, go with what Ben suggested above. I started down the path of a buddy box, but decided the distance limitations were too much. Plus the need for a Rx that had all the outputs since you won't be able to use Sbus on both. So I went with two Rx, and to...
  10. P

    Wont hover really

    I personally do not think so. My thoughts is that it is voltage/current related. Have you considered swapping the Naza in your Phantom for this one for testing purposes? I personally think it's voltage/current related, as in the motors aren't getting what they need. Are you sure all your...
  11. P

    Wont hover really

    What I meant was that I (and I think someone above said it as well) was wondering if the GPS was part of the issue. So removing the GPS was a means to debugging the system. And now that you tried flying it without GPS and it was doing the same thing, then it sounds like GPS isn't part of the...
  12. P

    Wont hover really

    The video is set to private. :( Sorry the debugging of the GPS didn't help. I'm sure someone will be able to chime in soon enough.
  13. P

    New Props? New Motors? TBE on RTH

    In the systems we design for full size aircraft, having the magnetic heading information helps improve performance. For example, even flying an ILS approach which has ground based signals, having correct heading helps improve that performance. That being said, it can be overcome by the software...
  14. P

    New Props? New Motors? TBE on RTH

    LOL... I hear ya. I don't fully understand the reason/benefit for recalibration, so I'm just thankful that it's an easy process. The antenna alignment I understand only because I design flight control systems.
  15. P

    New Props? New Motors? TBE on RTH

    Hal, I would agree with a, b, and c. A) the aligning the GPS isn't because of the GPS, but because of the heading sensor in that antenna. When flying forward/backward, the FC is maintaining that heading. So if the rotation is off a little, you don't fly in a straight line. So regardless or...
  16. P

    DJI Released New Firmware 5.24 for WKM

    We'll just have each have cheat sheets printed off and taped to our arm like football players do to decode the hundred signals thrown at them. ;) And sorry.., no update from me as I won't be able to fly until sometime later this week.
  17. P

    Wont hover really

    I totally sympathize with your uncertainty of flying in Attitude mode. I still get a nervous when flying in Att or Man modes. However, I strongly suggest you practice that a lot on you Phantom. Knowing how to fly the other two modes will be invaluable to you, especially in emergency...
  18. P

    Wont hover really

    The fast red flashing LED is either GPS calibration, or low voltage. So let me ask a few more questions that might help the forum give you some ideas: 1) Have you tried disconnecting the GPS and flying in Attitude mode as suggested earlier? Do you get that same kind of erratic behavior? 2) Are...
  19. P

    NUBI = New to the business

    Hi Eddy! You are not alone in stating that you want to use this professionally. And you are not alone in wanting to jump in right away with a high end system. However, you will also find one common theme here that you will hear a lot, and that is that you need to first order a small system...