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  1. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Thought I had too but did a course back in May for the PPL, this included the old AROC64. Just had to chase it down as the company did not send them to CASA.
  2. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Just got my AROC and my UAV pt 101 licence is being sent...Thank you Lauren from clarc
  3. Rentakill

    See and Avoid

    Australia's roll out...
  4. Rentakill

    See and Avoid

    In a Just Culture framework failing to avoid collision could be seen as reckless behaviour. If you tried to avoid the collision and impact still occurred, you carried out a duty to produce an outcome. Given them 2 choices every-time you fly, I know which one I would choose.
  5. Rentakill

    Australia Road Trip

    Download this for free 30 day trial. All our rules and maps and airspace, commercial and restricted.
  6. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Congrats Bluerex, delays have gone thru the roof :(
  7. Rentakill

    S1000 flyaway and crash

    I agree to disagree considering the insurance companies are now offering gr8 packages for commercial UAV's. If the industry was unstable I'm sure the insurance companies would be the first to act. UAVS are like any machine, with good maintenance and products most will fly for hours without...
  8. Rentakill

    S1000 flyaway and crash

    What mode were you in when the incident happened. Shame you didn't have enough time to turn the controller off or switch to manual mode. That's why its very import for all operators to have options, manual mode is a good one to have :) Glad you got it fixed
  9. Rentakill

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Proposed SkyJib X4 Build

    Haven't flown the vulcan but looks the goods, I think the industry is only going to get better in time. Giving the commercial pilots better options and support. I'm selling my Z15 mkiii for the gremsy
  10. Rentakill

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Proposed SkyJib X4 Build

    Haven flown a few different rigs, the skyjib is by far the better performer in the wind.
  11. Rentakill

    Anyone from Sydney Australia?

    Selling my zenmuse z15 5d mk iii, due to camera gear being stolen. PM if interested. $3000.....only 5 months old
  12. Rentakill

    Aeronavics / Droidworx Proposed SkyJib X4 Build

    I too have been looking at the payload factor for my skyjib. Needing to upgrade to a gimble that can accommodate various cameras. 20kg for red and lens wow...With regards to the Gstabi H14 is a winner, with cameras supported: DSLRs, Black Magic, FS700, F55, C300, Red Epic,...
  13. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Talked again to CASA and the answer was big backlog on the AROC part of the application. Time to bring in some bureaucracy busters to clean this up. CASA new this was approaching, love to see the rosters to see if any increase in staff was engaged.
  14. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Nice, and really its about time they wake up.
  15. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Look up the just culture frame work used by the American Airline industry. Casa has been using it for a little while. The SMS side is pretty easy, coming from a goverment background at Railcorp...
  16. Rentakill

    CASA (Australian) UAV controller / operator certificate

    Try these people, went to get my insurance just for peace of mine while doing my ppl. OC required for insurance Sonya Wilesmith Broker This was my liability for 10 million, they also do the full insurance for your UAV and parts at a gr8 price.
  17. Rentakill

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    From 6.02-6.09 are you flying next to him, if wow that was close.
  18. Rentakill

    Show what you filmed - Post Your Video Here

    Was wondering how many sparebatteries you took, lmao 8 real heavy ones.
  19. Rentakill

    Show us what you shot.

    Shot taken over Warragamba Dam Sydney....