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  1. ZAxis

    FAA action against RC activities

    Some serious work is being done to progress the use of UAVs in controlled airspace. This research was highlighted in New Scientist this week. Basically its a video analysis system that spots potential conflicts by trying to spot other aircraft in the UAVs video feed. Heavy stuff but fascinating...
  2. ZAxis

    Adding a Photohigher AV130 to MK Hexa2

    @Dave - Thanks for the tip @Bowley - 360 kit is tempting but it has only the standard Droidworx type grommet hole mounting so would still need an adaptor making up for an MK frame. Also adds another point to the exponential cost curve of the whole exercise !
  3. ZAxis

    Adding a Photohigher AV130 to MK Hexa2

    Ken .. Thanks for the advice, the bill just keeps rising ! It seems sensible to go for the Droidworx landing gear. I'm already running 6.5v for the servos and will look into separating the whole servo power out to its own regulated circuit. andy
  4. ZAxis

    Adding a Photohigher AV130 to MK Hexa2

    One disadvantage with going to the UK user meet at the weekend is I'm now lusting over every toy I saw there. After several generations of home made camera gimbles I had nearly cracked it except for smooth roll compensation. Impressed by the Photohigher AV130/200 mounts at the weekend I am now...
  5. ZAxis

    Should we now have mono-rotors on this forum ?

    Gizmodo have this posted today. Not the best video ... black ball against a black background in a dark theatre ! Interesting idea though
  6. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    A very quick edit Sorry its taken so long. Here is pretty much all the footage we took hashed together. Great weekend for testing ideas though. Lec
  7. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    Dave remember how we were saying how good Lee's real time view of the NEX5 screen because of the number of times we have forgotten to press the record button? Well guess who forgot to press record on the 3D flight! doh..
  8. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    Hey guys great weekend and some awsome kit on display. I think the best pilot award should defiantly go to Gunters daughter for her nose in flying skills. Think we will have out first female MR flying very soon after watching her. The wind was certainly fun!
  9. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    Fantastic day good to put faces to names and see all the kit most of us could ever dream of. Will be back tomorrow for more. Thanks to Droider for providing a great base for this.
  10. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    We'll be with you Sat am and Sun as well. Assume its still L40 8JY, somewhere in here ?
  11. ZAxis

    Lense advice for Sony NEX 5

    I'd agree with Droider, go for the 16mm. I bought mine on ebay for just over £120. It was an unwanted lens from the camera+zoom+16 kit and totally unused.
  12. ZAxis

    RED Epic under a multirotor

    The gimbal is definitely interesting and the direct drive is the simplest approach to movement. However looking at the footage I cannot convince myself they are doing things any better than anyone else so far. The shots of the Okto show a fair amount of unstable flying with a lot of gimbal...
  13. ZAxis

    Active Threads tab....NEW!!

    Its just like the good old days, quick and easy checking of recent posts and active threads. It took me a little time to realise the little blue box with two arrows took one straight to the last post. Most useful. Thanks for the effort, Bart cheers andy
  14. ZAxis

    RED Epic under a multirotor

    Some very rich and confident ( or well insured) Germans have hung a RED Epic under their multirotor. My NEX5 seems so inadequate.
  15. ZAxis

    CS8 to X8 conversion - Herkules ESC III V3

    Its all explained on the web site, makes an interesting read. Any configuration is possible with a useful bit of redundancy for a hexa. It looks very well thought out and if the price is good a tidy...
  16. ZAxis

    WooKong Road map?

    I can't help but think that this is their ultimate goal ....
  17. ZAxis

    UK / Europe MRF Community Meet

    We will make it there for at least one of the days.
  18. ZAxis

    Hello from Milton Keynes UK

    Nice to see another UK MR user. Just out of interest, where did you see the MK Hexa that inspired you ?
  19. ZAxis

    Site changes are coming

    Sorry Bart but I find the new format confusing and difficult to keep track of recent, but already read, posts that are spread across different forum sections. I like to refer to slightly older posts but now have to dig though multiple pages and know what forum they belong to. As an example it...