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  1. ZAxis

    Agressive flying while shooting video

    Dave That's what I'd call aggressive! For a rigid setup there is remarkably little vibration and having no roll compensation does add to the drama. The lack of wobble when changing direction sharply shows it handles changes in G loading nicely. We could never achieve that with our soft mounted...
  2. ZAxis

    Agressive flying while shooting video

    Dave .. I'd love to take you up on the offer. Just need to wait a few days until we are both free. We'll be in touch andy
  3. ZAxis

    Agressive flying while shooting video

    Both these arrangements seem to be reasonably large setups, probably good for use in clear outdoor areas but I'm interested in flying in much tighter situations. Typically forest, fire roads and dirt jumps. Thanks for pointing them out. andy
  4. ZAxis

    Agressive flying while shooting video

    Bart ... Interesting. I have to agree that keeping the props out of shot is important and the way I've achieved this so far is to dangle the camera mount well below the plane of the props. This must induce pendulum like disturbances to the Hexa that have to be compensated for by the FC as best...
  5. ZAxis

    Agressive flying while shooting video

    This thread picks up something I started by accidentally hijacking MombasaFlash's thread on long flight times. Most discussions on MR video seems to be aimed at getting the most stable shots at altitude or on the way there and back slowly. This is fine for landscapes and general overview shots...
  6. ZAxis

    30 Min flight time whit fully packed octo

    Thanks for that Ken, I remember seeing it some time ago and it must have slipped my mind. I agree its all in the setup but that must include the frame, FC and pilot. Its just a bit of a slog fixing them all. To get advice on this I'll start a new thread. andy
  7. ZAxis

    30 Min flight time whit fully packed octo

    MombasaFlash... Perhaps its just me but I have yet to see an MR vibration free over the whole flight envelope. Most of the good stable video is shot from a slow moving MR and I have yet to see good video consistently from an MR moving in a more dynamic flight pattern. Fast forward flight, fast...
  8. ZAxis

    30 Min flight time whit fully packed octo

    Why is it always the Comet example that trotted on occasions like this ... lets not forget the Lockheed Electra and its troubles. Look them up, a bit more relevant to multirotors and our eternal vibration problems. Of course both went on to relatively successful careers and the last Comet...
  9. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    Wow ..... question answered before it was posted ! andy
  10. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    Droidworx... I'm intrigued about using 2 MX20s when videoing. Do you have two independent receivers, one for the copter the other for the gimbal, or do you use teacher/pupil mode. In the latter then do you use a wired link or wireless link ?
  11. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    It can be done .... sort of ... I wanted to have both rotary control and preset switch control to tilt our camera gimbal. After a day of reading the MX20 manual, their German to English translation puts MK to shame, again and again I came up with a close solution. I can now set the tilt by...
  12. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    Droidworx ... Having the gimbal totally independent of the flight controls and operated by a second person is an ideal way to go. I'm waiting on hearing people's longer term experiences with PicLoc before going that way but, in the meantime, I'm still looking for a practical way to video with a...
  13. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    The rotary controls require you to take your fingers off at least one of the joysticks to operate them, we already use one for trimming the roll axis but that is done before filming starts. For video work it is easier to flick a switch and allow the camera to pan down at the rate preset in...
  14. ZAxis

    Graupner MX20 - How to set 3 position switch?

    This may or not be possible but reading through the MX20 manual I get totally confused. With our previous Spektrum DX7 we had the single 3 position switch set to tilt the camera gimbal horizontal/mid way/vertical. We have duplicated this with the MX20 but its more difficult quickly adjust all...
  15. ZAxis

    MK vs DJI - Get it from the horse's mouth ?

    and we would have to translate it into German as badly as they attempt to translate things into English ?????
  16. ZAxis

    MK vs DJI - Get it from the horse's mouth ?

    Inspired by the MK vs DJI adv/disadv thread, it struck me that we are making judgements with no chance for the two manufacturers to join in. I'd like to suggest we, as the forum, create a list of questions to be put directly to both companies by email for them to answer. These should be general...
  17. ZAxis

    Let your mind wonder at the marvel of Tesla!!!

    Until tonight I'd not realised Tesla had a patent on a VTOL aircraft, which is pretty close to our interests on this forum. Reminds me of the Convair Pogo or Lockheed XFY only 30 years too early. I wonder if he'd connected wireless power transmission and flight in his mind at that time ? andy
  18. ZAxis

    Let your mind wonder at the marvel of Tesla!!!

    Of course but its fun to watch andy
  19. ZAxis

    Let your mind wonder at the marvel of Tesla!!!

    Nikolai Tesla has been one of my long time heros and one of the most misunderstood person in history. Anything based on his theories always worth studying. However if you want a bit more thrust then the US 'Project Orion' is an alternative andy
  20. ZAxis

    What do you do?

    I am the other part of Z Axis. So I guess i'm the one who brings the petrol and matches to the bonfire of cash. Full time builder and part time film editor/ motion graphics thanks to 4 years at Uni not going to waste. I'm having great fun flying my multi whenever i get chance to and always...