Search results

  1. maxwelltub

    CarbonCore Cortex X8

    I would definitely go for the x8. I had a s800 and other flat hex models, and after testing a coax i would never go back. Carbon cores are not as easy to get parts, but I am very happy with mine and would get the Cortrex. That being said I am not usually the first one to buy a new product. I...
  2. maxwelltub

    Aluminum arms for dji flamewheel frames

    Hey highgain, on your 450 x8 can you elaborate on how you put the second motor mount on? Looks like its just two screws? any details would be great.
  3. maxwelltub

    Airware osFlex Quad

    Subtle distinction
  4. maxwelltub

    naza drifting to the right in Atti mode? please help??

    If you turn around and fly nose in does it still drift the same direction? It might be a breeze pushing it, or just the weight. In Atti mode there is nothing holding in position so there will always be a little drift.
  5. maxwelltub

    Wowaweewa! Lots of DJI MR Parts, Naza controllers, and Motors for S800 and F550/450

    I forgot to remove the pictures of the chargers, those will go in the Battery charger section of the classifieds.
  6. maxwelltub

    Wowaweewa! Lots of DJI MR Parts, Naza controllers, and Motors for S800 and F550/450

    I have a bunch of of parts that are no longer being used. Everything works 100%. Non of these items have ever been crashed or damaged in any way. Here is what I got. I'd like to send these to a good home so they get used so I am trying to be fair with the prices for both the buy and the seller...
  7. maxwelltub

    Brushless better than Av200 Servo? Need your opinion (watch my youtube video)

    I have a zenmuse, and it was expensive and painful to shell out the cash. But, it just works... great... every single time. So i'd do it again. That being said wait to see how the Besteady and the A10 look in the air, they may end up being a better option.
  8. maxwelltub

    S800 EVO Feedback? Any experience?

    I would say skip it, but I don't own one. I had an original s800 and with some mods and lots of hours I got it to work great. But its not as plug and play as you might think and for that its over priced. Just look at the last 5 pages of this thread on any given day. But on the other hand lots of...
  9. maxwelltub

    Two Camera Cable for IOSD II

    If you can solder, you can do it, ask on FPV lab for help. You only need to connect three wires.
  10. maxwelltub

    F450 Oscillations with heavy load

    how much does it weigh, and how much thrust are you generating? You want double the thrust relative to your weight if possible. You can find your thrust specs by looking at the chart that is listed where you picked out your motors. It does seem like a gain setting, make sure you are adjusting...
  11. maxwelltub

    New Carboncore X8 looks good

    Many of you might have seen this on Facebook already, but in case you haven't check out the new Carboncore Cortex.