I have a bit of a home-brew F450:
Generally, it flies excellent. I'm not the greatest pilot in the world by any means, and I've not been flying that long, but that setup has worked well.
Until I added a GoPro / Tarot gimbal combination with a second 2200 lipo (I didn't want to power the whole thing off one 2.2 knowing the flight time would be pretty limited). What is happening with this load is that I'm getting a lot of roll (left / right to the direction of flight) oscillation. Sometimes it starts out smooth then gradually increases in frequency after a few seconds, but then hits a frequency and stays there. I've been able to keep it under control (flying in GPS mode), but its obviously not flying properly and wouldn't be able to get usable video.
I've messed around with the gain settings for the Naza, but its not making any difference. I suspect that its a mismatch of overall weight, props, motors, batteries, ESCs, but i'm not sure what is the right thing to change / experiment with. 4s batteries? Bigger or smaller props? Different Kv motors?
Any ideas appreciated...
- F450 frame with Naza M Lite/GPS
- Turnigy D2830/11 1000Kv Motors
- Turnigy Plush 30A esc
- 9047 props
- 2200 3s (20-30c) battery
Generally, it flies excellent. I'm not the greatest pilot in the world by any means, and I've not been flying that long, but that setup has worked well.
Until I added a GoPro / Tarot gimbal combination with a second 2200 lipo (I didn't want to power the whole thing off one 2.2 knowing the flight time would be pretty limited). What is happening with this load is that I'm getting a lot of roll (left / right to the direction of flight) oscillation. Sometimes it starts out smooth then gradually increases in frequency after a few seconds, but then hits a frequency and stays there. I've been able to keep it under control (flying in GPS mode), but its obviously not flying properly and wouldn't be able to get usable video.
I've messed around with the gain settings for the Naza, but its not making any difference. I suspect that its a mismatch of overall weight, props, motors, batteries, ESCs, but i'm not sure what is the right thing to change / experiment with. 4s batteries? Bigger or smaller props? Different Kv motors?
Any ideas appreciated...