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  1. maxwelltub

    hoo boy....1.9 million civil penalty! that's a lot of photos!

    A company like Freeskies is not breaking any laws. They are not showing best practices but they are just a software company right? They are not responsible for the end use.
  2. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    because most of their users are prosumer who wouldn't use it.
  3. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    Ya the software sucks, and I've tried search and posting on this forum for anyone who can explain the best ways to use the software but with no luck. If you can get the data open find the motor input graph. If for some reason you have uneven torch it may be fighting hard to yaw one way then the...
  4. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    If you have an osd check to input on the motors to make sure they are all giving even inputs. Also try in Atti mode. I dont think its motor alignment because it looks like those booms are not round. Not sure what your experience with big multirorotrs is but this may just be normal behavior. Also...
  5. maxwelltub

    T-Motor 40A -400MHz ESC Questions

    Is your ESCs set to Nicad? Thats going to give you all sort of other issues with your battery voltage levels. There should be a lipo setting unless I am missing something
  6. maxwelltub

    Party at my house

    Hey I think I am in! there is a chance I'll be flying in New England that week but if I am in town I'll be there man.
  7. maxwelltub

    Current feeling on U7 and equivalent KDE?

    I've tried it and works fine. Most often I dont need the extra thrust so it's more efficient to run two blades.
  8. maxwelltub

    Current feeling on U7 and equivalent KDE?

    Most if not all the issues were with the 490kv and none tmotor ecs, or ones too small. I've run the 420s with triple blade 18" and ran fine with the t80 ecs.
  9. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    there should be a motor test button in the software. Can't recall what page but its bottom right. I have mixed motor inputs before and it flew a little funny.
  10. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    Watched the video again, this is totally normal behavior. Also motor alignment is more of an issue on tubular arms and with older flight controllers. That noise is the motors speeding up to stop the rotation. If you think about air as a fluid picture your aircraft as a boat. if you paddle in a...
  11. maxwelltub

    DJI A2 X8 yaw issue

    Sounds silly but do a motor test on you bench and make sure all your motor inputs are correct.
  12. maxwelltub

    A new drone design

    "propellers smartly work together to keep the Tesla drone steady mid-flight, which eliminates the need for a gimbal." Oh no **** why didn't I think of that! Looks cool but the person who designed it doesn't seem to be a engineer more of a conceptual artist and industrial designer. I think the...
  13. maxwelltub

    Shotovercamera sneak peak

    here is another peak at the coax design.
  14. maxwelltub

    A new drone design

    made me laugh. eliminates need for a gimbal.
  15. maxwelltub

    NEW!! Steadidrone VADER

    so the battery is just strapped to the arm? nothing supporting it underneath? seems like a bracket might be a good idea
  16. maxwelltub

    Falcon Shield takes control of drones

    Ya that's what interest me, you can jam anything but being able to take control of any rc device? How is this physically possible?
  17. maxwelltub

    Falcon Shield takes control of drones

    Well obviously drones would pose a different threat then a bike, car or someone on foot, all of which have preventative measures from entering restricted areas. But I am more interested in this technology and how it works/ if it works.
  18. maxwelltub

    skyjib 8 heavylift gain setting?

    That's right on paper, but in practice I've seen some voltage on osd when using one 16ah pulse on a similar setup.
  19. maxwelltub

    Falcon Shield takes control of drones

    I wonder how this works. I guess if you through enough money at something you can figure it out.