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  1. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    What are the brightest? Green is brighter than blue. I'm guessing red isn't that bright either.
  2. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    A little loiter mode, and the strobes...
  3. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    Okay I mounted four of them. Did mostly-hover flight for a battery and seemed to work fine. So I did a 2nd flight and did some regular moves. All good. The greens look brighter than the blues. They're not as bright as I'd hoped but still better.
  4. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    Yeah if I do them this way the nav strobes are on all the time, which isn't necessarily bad. Only drawback I can see is if I wanted to fly at night and not have the strobes reflect off of what I might be filming or shooting. I could mount the front ones on the side instead of the very front...
  5. mediaguru

    Copter for still photography only

    You'll want a flight controller with GPS for a few reasons. First, like you describe you'll need that to hold position. Second, if you lose communication or need to trigger safe mode, a GPS is required for the copter to return to home.
  6. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    I will only take the 5v and ground. No signal wire even attached. Ever heard of anything like that happening? I did wonder if that's introducing a failure point, in that if the strobe croaks it takes out the ESC?
  7. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    I should have been a little more clear. These are 5v navigation strobe/led's. Flytron/strobon. Here's a video.
  8. mediaguru

    LED power supplied by ESC BEC?

    On my large hexacopter I have the ESC's under the motors. The BEC wire is lifted before it reaches the flight controller (SuperX). So that means I have 5 volts available at the end of each arm. Thinking of putting my LED's on the end of perhaps 4 arms and powering them via the 5v coming out...
  9. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    It is an odd quirk.
  10. mediaguru

    FAA gives DJI Phantom Green light for commercial flight

    this part: "he states that, while helpful, a pilot license will not ensure remote control piloting skills. He further indicates that the risks of operating a UAS are far less than the risk levels inherent in the commercial activities outlined in 14 CFR part 61, et seq., thus he requests an...
  11. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    Yes I know. I went through that song and dance with the SuperX.
  12. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    My MiniX arrived.
  13. mediaguru

    Inexpensive Hobbyking FPV set...any reviews?

    I have the receiver. Seems to work fine.
  14. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    Only consistent knock people seem to have about the SX is the X8 performance. But I'll be putting it on a quad for now, so won't know.
  15. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    Got a ship notification... :-)
  16. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    I emailed hobby-wing and asked if they had a MiniX in stock before I order. They told me they did, so I ordered the "pro" setup, whatever that is... I'll be putting it on a foldable 680 quad.
  17. mediaguru

    Suggestions for portable copter to carry Sony RX100 or similar

    I ended up picking a foldable Alien H4 680 frame. The keyword that "got me" was "backpack." I'd love to fold it up and take it hiking into the boonies, then launch.
  18. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    I seem to remember reading that the Vector was only good on frames up to 650 or something like that.
  19. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    Hmm. Makes my decision a little tough. Do I go with a MiniX or was thinking about trying out a Pixhawk.
  20. mediaguru

    XAircraft MiniX Out Yet?

    Is the MiniX out yet? I'm going to start a 680 quad build and thinking of trying it, but don't want to wait for months.