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  1. M

    Need Help! I just won't fly!

    How hot are the motors getting. 6045 Tri props seem a little stout for those small motors but maybe What I am wondering is if those motors are so overloaded that they cannot get up to speed to generate the trust you need. How are you determining that 2 of the motors are doing most of the...
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    Dronemotor MT1806-2280kv, what propeller size and type for best stability? Cut the props?

    If you really want shorter props, your best option might just getting your hands on Tri-Props with standard tips, 4" bull nose tri props might be too much for those motors. If you do use them on those motors, watch the temps. I use 4" bullnose on 2204/2205s with no problem. Biggest problem...
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    Dronvibes Giveaway! Castle Creations DMR Multirotor Controllers

    I built my first quad because I had decided to shelve my Trex 450 Heli a year or two prior. I had gone through two rebuilds which overall weren't terribly expensive but annoying and it was difficult to find somewhere to fly the beast that I felt was safe for other people. I really enjoyed...
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    Want to get into quadcopters but dont know where to start

    In that case, my suggestion on the little indoor door will be more valuable even if you don't use Spektrum radios. I just got a Inductrix FPV, it is bound to my DX7 and using my Dominator SE fatsharks, I have am having a great time and it is the most successful FPVing I have done yet. Longest...
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    We are looking for members opinions

    Traffic would be my only complaint, not sure how it was before but it is noticeable some days that this place is dead. I pretty much use this site exclusively, so not sure how that compares to the other big ones out there on the MR topics. I might reply to a post in the morning and that...
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    Want to get into quadcopters but dont know where to start

    Would this be your very first drone? I would consider something small to get started if you do not have a lot of flying experience. Something like an Inductrix or Nano QX for a first timer will save you a lot of time and money learning. The Inductrix is pretty much indoor only, unless you...
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    New Product Landing Pads

    You have my attention, use scrap plywood currently, when I have a piece.
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    No transmitter inputs appearing on Cleanflight for new build. Taranis X9, via X8 to Acro Naze32 v6

    I think the UART reverting is your problem, will take a screen shot of mine when I get to a computer. Make sure you are also selecting the correct receiver type on the configurator tab. There is a selector for serial rx and then you pick your type, I think if you skip this step first, the UART2...
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    Motor One Stops On Quad!

    Motor or ESC hot to the touch afterwards?
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    B6AC Dual power not discharging/storage

    Does the charger have a setting for minimum cell voltage? Check for voltage settings for both storage and discharge cuttoff.
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    Made in USA

    Supply and Demand, there is not enough Demand for higher quality components that are made in the USA. You might want them, I might want them, Bob might want them, but the three of us will not keep the doors open for a company. Some of it probably comes from the age group involved with the...
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    Problem with props slipping when applying full throttle

    But if you want to add something, I might try an external tooth lock washer below the prop, it should do a decent job of locking the motor and prop together when you smash it with a nut over the top. Not sure an oring would produce the grip you need but you could try it first. The lock washer...
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    Problem with props slipping when applying full throttle

    Why do you think they are slipping? I would be pretty surprised if a ten inch prop could produce enough torque to free spin if they bolts are half as tight as your suggesting.
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    Wind Performance — Coax vs. Flat

    Other factors like frame cross section are going to help/hurt, but my smaller faster props seem to get pushed around less than my bigger slower prop quads. How much of this is reducing rotor size? and how much of it is the small props responding faster, not sure. :D Higher KV that I picked is...
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    Trying to calibrate esc with cleanflight, but escs wont beep when I plug the naze32 in with the TX o

    I did read one other thing this morning. If you are using BlHeli, access each ESC and set the calibration range you want manually. say 1020 to 1980, min and max. I have had to do this a couple times on Minimum to make the motors start together better. After doing a couple calibrations, I...
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    Trying to calibrate esc with cleanflight, but escs wont beep when I plug the naze32 in with the TX o

    If the motors ares all responding differently to the master slider, I would think the calibration is still an issue. I haven't had a chance to look at this voltage problem on the new boards so not familiar with that. Try disabling Damped Light on your escs, I have seen Damped Light do weird...