Search results

  1. C

    Very small quad for travel photography?

    Hello, I need to build a small multi + fixed GoPro for on location aerial photography small enough to fit in my hand-luggage (additionally to my normal photo equipment!). I do this because I realized that my big hexa + gimbal will not fit :) Did anybody ever try this? Any tips? Exchange of...
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    Naza + GPS?

    Here they mention that they will probably have it for the paris modelshow in June.. I hope its not a yoke..
  3. C

    Naza + GPS?

    Hello, Did anyone hear news about an optional gps for the naza? According to this french site it will come out in a month... Mike (just building a F330 + GoPro for travel photography, really nice little quad!)
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    Photo-Higher, LTD Gimbal Giveaway, Let the voting begin!!

    here is a making off pic for no 6. as for winning the next contest, next time I will take some object with round shapes from my house, if the toilet works, my next idea is going to work even better :)!! Mike
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    Photo-Higher, LTD Gimbal Giveaway, Let the voting begin!!

    Hi all, mine is No 6, I took the mirrored door of my wardrobe and put it on the ground, stepped on it, buzzed my new hexa around and let the gopro do its job. I can post some more "making of" pics later. The props come out like this naturally due to the shutter time. Congratulations to the...
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    Cheaper alternative for PhotoHigher gimbal?

    Josh, Which one did you buy in the end?
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    Cheaper alternative for PhotoHigher gimbal?

    thx for the thread, but nothing on the LCC mount...
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    Lesson learned,,, the hard way

    Thx for sharing and reminding us of the dangers involved. I recently switched my remote back to my hexa mode while I had forgotten to switch off the tricopter I was testflying just before. Result: the tri jumped to life full power and flew straight up hitting the ceiling and showering me with...
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    Naza gimbal stabilization.

    you can set the pitch with your remote and the stabilization will keep it where you set it. roll is always horizontal.
  10. C

    Dji Naza + Turnigy 9x (original firmware) help please !!!

    3way switch not needed, just use the thro hold for the 2 naza modes. set the endpoints so that you are in the middle of the areas for atti or manual mode. you can see this while you have your naza connected to the pc. I never warmup my 9x and never had any problems.
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    Landing on water?

    Hello Gunter, its not that I need to land on water its just in case of. Also I want to take pics of something very wet and tall (140m)... I will probably just attach some empty pet bottles so that at least it floats.
  12. C

    camera suggestions

    have a look at for camera reviews and comparisons. you can search by property. i am not sure though that the antivibration will help you a lot for multicopter use. its really made for handheld use.
  13. C

    Cheaper alternative for PhotoHigher gimbal?

    Hi all,Since it looks I will not be winning a nice PhotoHigher Gimbal I am looking for an alternative solution and that is buying one myself ;)I have looked for the best solution (that is to mostly take photo's and some video) for a nex5/gh2 size camera) for a more reasonable price.I found this...
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    Photohigher's Gracious Gimbal Giveaway!

    Voting is here for those who have not seen it:
  15. C

    Photohigher contest voting page is hidden.. why?

    Hi Bart, I meant that it took me 2 days of casually looking around the forum to find the voting page by chance. It is not mentioned on the original contest page nor is it all the time visible on the active threads.
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    Photohigher contest voting page is hidden.. why?

    have a look here and vote! i see omly 42 votes!!
  17. C

    Photo-Higher, LTD Gimbal Giveaway, Let the voting begin!!

    hej, I had a hard time to find this post, its not on the active thread list!
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    Landing on water?

    Hi all, I plan to take some shots from above the (Geneva) lake here. Does anyone have experience with taking off from and landing on water? Floaters? Waterproofing? Cheers Mike
  19. C

    When is heavier better? Stability - vibrations - discloading?

    thx yeehaanow, you are right, instead of spending time on forums I should simply do my own testing and find out what suits me best. I will do a direct hexa-6 to Y-6 comparison, try different props and weights and try to make things more aerodynamic until I get good images and smooth video. have...
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    When is heavier better? Stability - vibrations - discloading?

    forgot to mention: first calculation total weight is 2000gr..