Lesson learned,,, the hard way


Damn guys,,, St. Pattie's sucked for me!

Here's how she went down.

Woke up about 10:30 A.M. to a beautiful day,, about 66 degrees F and aboslutely no wind what-so-ever.
Had a cup of coffee, thought about having a second,,, then thought I would do a little work on my Hexa before getting cleaned up and going over to my buddy's place in the country to fly her.

Powered up everything and did a couple changes to the gimbal, then decided I wanted to increase the expo on the controls.

In the tx, I ended up accidentally bypassing a safety in the servo screen and the motors all turned on!
Instinct,,, I grabbed a skid, from underneith with the left hand to control it. Then with the right I went underneith to grab the battery and give her a rip.
Before my hand got to the battery, suddenly the motors went to full throttle, torqueing the landind strut over almont to 90 dergrees horizontal and two props struck both fore-arms, a third struck my left knee, shattering against all that titanium. Superficial cut at most.
The 2 that struck my fore-arms laid them both open about 5 inches long and an inch deep striking the bones!!!
Ripped the battery out, grabbed my fore-arms, bleeding like crazy, rush into the kitchen, shoved them under the faucet, gave them a good rinse.
Grabed both fore-arms and squeezed the cuts together I rush back into the living room, grab my phone and with one hand release one fore-arm, over the sink again, and tried to turn it in.

Learned that the slider to activate the Iphone won't work with blood all over it, so, there I am wipping the phone off on my robe.
Got it on finally, speed dialed another friend and on speaker told him to rush over and take me to the emergency room.
He yells, in a panic, "call 011 now!"
Told him that there was no arterial spray, so I was fine, just get here as fast as he can and then rushed into my bedroom and grabed 4 tee shirts.Used one each to wrap each fore-arm and pull as tight as possible with one hand and my teeth, and then wrapped both of them with another tee shirt, each, because by then both were soaked and dripping.

Threw on some cloths, walked outside and my buddy pulls up and off to the emergency room we go.

6 hours,,, yes, 6, I was out of there.

They didn't use simple stiches, but some other stitch that weaves everything together. They did tell me that the reason for that particular stitch was because if they used simple stitch it would have taken over 50 stitches each to close the wounds!

Another doctor comes in and reviewes the work and complements the work done, saying I'll be left with hardly a scar at all.

Came home and my house looks like a crime scene!!!

I know, nobody needs to tell me how stupid I was to not disconnect the battery after the gimbal work, nor that I should have removed the props first, or how lucky I was.
It was stupid, and I learned the hard way that short cuts are not worth taking,,, ever!!!

I post this so that the new guys, hopefully, will understand that these things are super-dangerous!!! They can easily kill you!!!

It was stupid to let instinct rule my actions. Complancency on my part is all I can stand on. A very, very sorry excuse at best
Had I rotated my right arm to grab the battery the out come of all this could have been disasterous!

As it is, because I work in a medical clean room, I'll miss a week of work. That is nothing compaired to my damaged pride.
I've been flying some sort of aircraft for 50 years, super save, been bit before, but nothing like this.

Now, I'll just sit here, back on pain meds for a few days, licking my pride, and hopeing somebody else will learn to never let complacency set up residence in their brains!

Above everything else,,, always think safety first. Do as say, not as I do, best advise Ii have ever given


Yikes and thanks for sharing. I know this new guy will remember your mistake in hopes that I learn from it. Do your best to enjoy your time away from work. I know the weather is rapidly changing in my corner of Colorado. SOunds like tomorrow will be a good day to couch surf....heal quick!


Wow - you are both unlucky and lucky at the same time. Good post though.

I had a similar situation (but with much less gruesome consequences) happen to me on my Gaui 500X quad. I was holding the centre of the quad and one motor kicked in to full noise hitting my forearm. Luckily it screwed the prop nut off on contact and because only the CENTER of the prop hit me - I only had some deep grazing. If the tips had hit first I imagine it would have been worse.

Taught me a valuable lesson though... props off from now on!

Ouch!, next best thing besides removing props.....get some velcro and velcro your skids down(1 half on your bench, the other patch over both sides of your skids) to your testing surface, Ive gone full throttle and the velcro patches dont budge an inch


Active Member
Tom, I feel for you mate & I know you're kicking yourself saying "If only I had...", don't beat yourself up over it...you're alive & learnt the lesson to be learnt. Speedy recovery mate, chin up & chalk that one down to experience...enjoy your time off wisely, at least you are going to be a HUMAN in your time off rather than a PERSON!!!



Tom, I hope you recover quickly...What a scary situation. Wow! This reminds me how dangerous these things are, I hope it does the same for everyone else.


Thanks, everybody.

Nothing like a quart of adrenalyn instantly dumped into your system to wake up in the morning,,, but wouldn't recommend it.

Cleaning the wounds before bed last night, I have to damit, they did an excellent job of it! Will heal nicely really quick. Glad for the pain killers this morning, though!


You are welcome. If there is one thing I have noticed across all forums is that safety really isn't stressed enough.

Today, I feel a lot better, took the splint off the left arm as my hand and wrist feel just fine now. Won't be doing anything with it that would stress the muscles for awhile, though.

Hell, that's scary!

I fear that someone will get seriously injured shortly and the press will be all over these incredible machines which will lead to regulation or worse, legislation to drive the hobbyist out of the game or confine activity into flying clubs and the like (maybe not a bad thing overall).

For me it's just a matter of time.

In the mean time - enjoy.


Dam scary! I will heed your lesson. The way I see things is a wise man learns from his mistakes however a clever man learns from other peoples. Hope your not out of action for too long.


Had a similar accident last year and nearly lost 1cm of my mid finger. I was flying on the balcony, getting ready for landing on the table with my small PowerQuad. Suddenly a light breeze seized the copter nearer to the wall, and since it was in close range, I just grabbed it by instinct from the air to avoid a crash.
Well, the Graupner 11x5 E-Props are quite sharp, hospital and several stitches were needed, my mid finger tip and the thumb tendons were nearly cut off/through. I did some pics, but I think nobody want's to see it really.

I wish you fast recovery!


Thanks, everybody! I do appreciate the get well wishes!!!

Managed to do some work on the Hexa today. Got the props changed since I broke one APC 9 inch on my titanium knee. Put some 8 inch on it to try out.

Pulled the fpv gear to put on my F450.

Since I got a few crappy days of weather to look forward to and the down time to do it I figured it's time to do it.

Jake Bullit

Hey ! where`s the graphic pictures? ;)

Sorry to hear about your accident,having been there myself recently and got the blood soaked t-shirt to prove it(x2).

These things can happen to anyone anytime,even when all possible precautions are taken.

Heaven forbid someones child gets hurt,at least we`ve only got ourselves to blame.
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The guy in the red t-shirt is AV8Chuck,I hope he won`t mind me posting his photo as a reminder of the consequences.

The other 2 are me:black_eyed:

Take care guys.


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Thx for sharing and reminding us of the dangers involved. I recently switched my remote back to my hexa mode while I had forgotten to switch off the tricopter I was testflying just before. Result: the tri jumped to life full power and flew straight up hitting the ceiling and showering me with pieces of prop, I could just just jump aside otherwise it would have hit my face..
