Wookong in the Wind.


Drone Enthusiast
sometimes it would just blow off course with the wind as if GPS was not enabled

You have to remember that thee is not ALWAYS good satellites in the area you are flying. You need to look up a predictor and ensure you aint flying with poor predicted satellite coverage.

As for twitching you need to tune your set up for different conditions.

I have three sets of three settings for different conditions and loads.. I just choose the setting set I think is best for the day and bingo.

As for smooth video.. the liitle one I was throwing around has no stabilisation at all The GoPro is hard mounted.. well sort of. I have made a custom mount for it which has killed the inflight jello I had in Finland.

But these things aint ever going to be steady cams..



I had full gps lock at the time I was flying Yesterday. I have also just checked the area I was in with a predictor and it tells me I should have had 9 satellites, so in this situation I don't think it was a satellite issue. The more I think about it the more it makes sense that I have more work to do, between prop size, battery and gains. If I can achieve the same level of stability that I see in your two videos I will be very happy. I agree - These things will never be steadycams !
Do you mind sharing some information about your F450 and ADX3 ? What prop size ? 3s or 4s ? Also would love to know a bit more about your custom mount ?


Thanks rsun !
As soon as the server comes back on line I'll take a look there.
Haven't come across their site before


Well Electronicarc is back online and I have just purchased 4 sets of 10.5's and 8x5's :)
Thanks rsun ! I have literally spent hours over many weeks online looking for the 10x5's
I now need to find prop adapters for 4mm motor shaft. Grapuners only step down to 5mm. Anyone know if there is a recommended air screw adapter for the graupners ?
Thanks again


Drone Enthusiast
Buderus sucks.. Veissmann rule! ;-).. Private joke here between what would appear to be two HE's!

Jake Bullit

hahahahahaha I went & had a look at this website, very nice...I'm laughing at his video, I'm going to repost it here, the ending is classic ;) ;) ;)


Yeh,seen that some time ago.Well worth watching again:)

The ending is class,very humble,especially with Yellow River playing in the background:pig:

Gonna check out those Graupners now;)


Adjusting your gainsf (increasing them) should help for windy conditions. I test flew mine in a small room and the rotor wash generated a lot of turbulence. I increased gains and it flew stable. I readjusted my gains to 110 percent for flying on good weather days. At 110 percent the craft is a little unstable during high winds.


Which gain are we talking about Atti. or basic? What about the Advanced settings. I, V.Damping and disturbed.

I adjusted Pitch, and roll under Basic Parameters since that is where most of the action was.

Also adjust Attitude gain. I increased the numbers in increments of 10 to find the sweet spot for smoothe and responsive flight. I left yaw alone because I found that my craft (my craft) wouldn't maintain heading. It would track off heading and then a second or two later correct it. It maintained heading after I set Yaw back to 100%. I basically keep the readjusted parameters the same. If I adjust pitch to 110 I'll also adjust roll to 110.
