XAircraft XAircraft X650 Pro - Owners


Bottom line is they didn't promise anything and as your mates with XA you should know that Jeff.

Actually, yes they did. Maybe not to you but I was told over and over again that a ground station was coming for the SuperX. Why would I buy a MiniX that does not have a ground station TODAY when I fly a superior product that MAY have a ground station. Sorry, not buying a MiniX.



Take no prisoners
Actually, yes they did. Maybe not to you but I was told over and over again that a ground station was coming for the SuperX. Why would I buy a MiniX that does not have a ground station TODAY when I fly a superior product that MAY have a ground station. Sorry, not buying a MiniX.


Neither am I!, but if you received a written promise then you have something you can take action on, if it was verbal! then we only have your word they made the promise and you can't do much about it, trying to whip up a 'class action' here isn't the way to 'get even'



Neither am I!, but if you received a written promise then you have something you can take action on, if it was verbal! then we only have your word they made the promise and you can't do much about it, trying to whip up a 'class action' here isn't the way to 'get even'


Who the hell is talking about a "class action" or even "getting even"? Not me. That's quite the leap you're making there. All I'm saying is I'm not buying a MiniX until XA releases the ground station for the SuperX. Which I KNOW they will if they release one for the MiniX.

And I don't give a **** if you believe me or not.


Posted from my phone. :)
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Not so new and improving
Hey Chaps I thought we would have the full system as my UK dealer still has a picture of a monitor with:-

[h=1]"New Ground Station Coming soon in 2014[/h]News of the custom ground station will be posted on our web site soon"



Take no prisoners
Hey Chaps I thought we would have the full system as my UK dealer still has a picture of a monitor with:-

"New Ground Station Coming soon in 2014

News of the custom ground station will be posted on our web site soon"

It's here! never got off the ground, but I have heard it can be put together for a price.... a BIG price


Thinking about it even I could build a ground station although I would use a 2 gimble TX/RX rather than a joystic, lets see I'd need a case, say 10 to 12" lcd good if it included a DVR, a RX VTX say Boscam corresponding unit on the vehicle maybe an external aerial set up for both the Video and radio and of course a camera and OSD on the vehicle.

AT present I have a 7" LCD set on my radio so I really already have the above in a more compact form.

So what is all the talk about a base station?



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It's here! never got off the ground, but I have heard it can be put together for a price.... a BIG price


Thinking about it even I could build a ground station although I would use a 2 gimble TX/RX rather than a joystic, lets see I'd need a case, say 10 to 12" lcd good if it included a DVR, a RX VTX say Boscam corresponding unit on the vehicle maybe an external aerial set up for both the Video and radio and of course a camera and OSD on the vehicle.

AT present I have a 7" LCD set on my radio so I really already have the above in a more compact form.

So what is all the talk about a base station?


I'm sorry. We used the wrong word! DOWNLINK with WAYPOINTS. There, does that help?

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I'm sorry! who is WE? Personally I don't think I could care less about your needs


The WE are the people here who said they wanted several items that XA has been flaunting for years but not delivering. Go back and read. I'm not the only one. But I'm the one you decided to pick a fight with. It's easier to try to argue against one person then several.

Here's hoping you have a good day today and a better one tomorrow.

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The SuperX ground station will be coming as they said it would. "I am guessing" they are most likely going to base it on th MiniX's xlink system. But maybe up the hardware. Some of Xaircraft's issues is dealers lying to customers hyping products timeings and throwing XA under bus.


New Member
Hi guys, I'm new here :)
I'm reading about the waypoints and something else.
Just 10 min ago, reading the SuperX OSD Manual I've seen that:
4. Flight Mode: It may show M-Manual Mode, A-Attitude Mode, S-Safe Mode, G- GPS Attitude Mode or W-Waypoint Mode.

So this will say something about the plans in XAircraft to bring Waypoints to SuperX...

Hi all! :)
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Hi guys, I'm new here :)
I'm reading about the waypoints and something else.
Just 10 min ago, reading the SuperX OSD Manual I've seen that:

So this will say something about the plans in XAircraft to bring Waypoints to SuperX...

Hi all! :)

Yes, but XAircraft never promised waypoints as has been pointed out here several times. (I just couldn't resist).


Sent from my SGH-I337M using Tapatalk


Take no prisoners
Hi guys, I'm new here :)
I'm reading about the waypoints and something else.
Just 10 min ago, reading the SuperX OSD Manual I've seen that:

4. Flight Mode: It may show M-Manual Mode, A-Attitude Mode, S-Safe Mode, G- GPS Attitude Mode or W-Waypoint Mode.

So this will say something about the plans in XAircraft to bring Waypoints to SuperX...

Hi all! :)

Now there's a thing!, never registered that before, good catch, so where are our way-points?

