X8 With dji A2.


hello everyone
i have bulid a x8 with dji a2 and u7 motor ,17" tiger props and 80 amp tiger regulator.
i wounder about someting,the props and motor are perfect aligned and balanced,but when in forward flight it shake abit??
I have higther my gain until it start to vibrate(135) and then back off to 125 and it seems ok,when hovering all looking very nice on the video,but when i am in forward fligth it is not so smooth anymore??
how can i adjus it go get smooth in forward fligth too??
My basic gains now are: 125-125-125.Attitude gains:100-100-100,vertical: 150
i havent change something in the advance meny
can someone here help my out here?
kjetil tønnesen


I would try dropping the gains. Sometimes fast forward flight or even wind will require you to alter your gains. This sounds like they are too high


I got rid of my shake/wobble in FF flight by changing the ESC firmware to BLHeli. Also the position of the camera/gimbal plays an important part. If Your gimbal is positioned forward and therefore in the propwash when in FFflight it will shake. Try moving the gimbal, upgrading ESC firmware. Its not all about the gains...
