XAircraft X650v Tech help please?

Hi folks, X650 V4 with GPS and compass, Optima 7 RX. OK so everything set up all software updated a test flights up to 40m away, GPS return home works well.

Problem 1 Can't get the heading lock working!
Problem 2 After about an hour of flght time since last PC connection the autolevel seems to decay, wierd electronic noise heard from the ship and for no reason it will yaw badly and stick control weakens!! Alarming I can tell you! Can bring it under control to land but no faith in strapping my hero to it yet.

Any sugestions?

Cheers John

Hi folks, X650 V4 with GPS and compass, Optima 7 RX. OK so everything set up all software updated a test flights up to 40m away, GPS return home works well.

Problem 1 Can't get the heading lock working!
Problem 2 After about an hour of flght time since last PC connection the autolevel seems to decay, wierd electronic noise heard from the ship and for no reason it will yaw badly and stick control weakens!! Alarming I can tell you! Can bring it under control to land but no faith in strapping my hero to it yet.

Any sugestions?

Cheers John

I would like to see clear pictures of the model, You need to loosen the motor mounts, lightly pull them away from the model center and then free anywiring that may by pinched in the Boom Stiffner.
ReAlign the motors and boom clamps. When the heading lock fails it is generally due to the motors and boom(s) being misaligned. Hope this helps.

Hi XA USA thanks for this, I will strip down and check it out over the weekend and take some close up pictures. Might the two problems be related? Thanks again..John

XAUSA a question for you...I have found my standard XA motor booms are different lengths almost 1/8th inch, is this a problem? Could it cause the fault as described before? Thanks JohnView attachment 1421


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XAUSA a question for you...I have found my standard XA motor booms are different lengths almost 1/8th inch, is this a problem? Could it cause the fault as described before? Thanks JohnView attachment 2397

I see one end on the ruler, but you should check the distance between holes, cannot speculate on what I am seeing in the photo. The length of the booms should be constant but if they aren't the holes should be.

Yes it very well could, due to ESC overheating over a few minutes. Are these the "BOOMS", that came with kit or are 1 or more replacement "BOOMS" ?? Boom manufacturers we changed recently because of manufacturing delays. I suspect this is where and how the issue was born.

Important- Only drill new holes in "CF BOOMS" in a controlled enviroment, Carbon Fiber is extremely dangerous to breath. You must wear. Gloves, Breathing mask and protect your entire body. Then clean all areas with damp cloth as not to recreate dust from the work areas, you should work somewhere other than your native work desk or your home. TAKE these outside and redrill if that is your intention. PLEASE Email: biz@xaircraft.com ... They will send you a round of matching booms << But if you need booms prior to this .. PLEASE pay attention to my directive as far as working with carbon fiber materials. Best of Luck, I would try to supply these but the direct factory link would be better and make them aware of the situation from a customers stand point. I will also speak to them about this. We will fix you problem the fastest way possible.

I apologise for your situation and do not know how this type of error slipped through, the XAircraft team are very diligent about quality control.

John, I recently picked up an x650 v8 as well and found the same problem. It is now a v4 after the crash. It did well up to about 4 min of flight time then seemed to favor drifting to the front left. I had the stick rocked almost full right to keep it back from a near by fence. Once i realized that it was not responding to my commands i flipped it back to cruse mode forgetting that the stick was full right. I had a fun 3 seconds of somewhat controlled flight tell it hit the ground, hard. I was thinking that it may have been the GPS. But it makes more sense that a week motor caused it to drift. what size battery are you using. I have tried using a 210 gram 2200 3s. but when it crashed I was using a 410 gram 4000 3s. Maybe the extra weight was over taxing.


Active Member
Damn, I bet I have the same problem. I haven't measured the actual booms by themselves (don't really feel like taking it all apart), but I did just measure my motor to motor distance last night and saw a pretty big difference in some.

So what kind of drift problems are you seeing, John? Can you give a little more info as to when it starts to happen and under what conditions? I have seen a good bit of difference from battery to battery at times, as well as a needed change in trim during the same battery.

i have the same drifting problem with mine, i have to re calibrate it every day as its always out when i reconnect it to the laptop, after calibration it flys brilliantly but the next day if i dont recalibrate it i get it drifting back and left????
anyone know how to fix it as i dont have the computer on me all the time.

I did a test today by putting my V4 to flight for 24 total min. I put it up in the air 4 times consecutively with only the time required to change out the batteries (6 min times 4). I took about one min to replace each battery. I used only NORMAL(NOR) mode in all flights. I did not see at any time any degeneration what so ever in flight performance. This leeds me to believe that the loss of control in ATTITUDE(ATT) and ReturnToHome(RTH) mode are programing or GPS issues. Next I will do the same test in ATTITUDE(ATT) mode with out ever letting it enter Position Hold mode.

Hi XA USA yes these are replacement booms and yes they could well be from different manufacturers, so I think your supposition is correct I will get some new ones from Xaircraft. In the short term I am limiting flight times to 3 minutes then resting the machine for a minute. Thanks for the safety advice on working with carbon fibre I didn't know it was so risky. And your apology is welcomed but not necessary as I know Xaircraft are striving to make this a quality product.

Hi yes I know how you feel with the switching in to normal! I use 3300 3700 and 4000 batteries and yes the lighter ones seem to make the craft behave better, but I am wondering if this is actually a bigger problem than I first thought as it would appear that it takes very little for the ESCs to misbehave which I think is the cause of the direction, stability issue and poor performance. But I also think that there may be a software issue that causes the drifting which if I am right will only happen in ATT mode. But I have been really pleased with the new GPS its return home and position hold seem to work pretty well.

One thing i did not think about when building is that all my ESC's have the BEC set up. I will try disconnecting the on board BEC's and use an external switching BEC. This should help keep the temp down on the ESC's and give me some more battery time. Dose any one know if the x650 v8 can handle a 4s lipo and at what voltage the FC runs at.
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My bird has the tendency to drift to the rear and left. I'm flying the V-8. Today, I tried to lift off and it kept flipping over. Did this about 5 times. Recalibrated the AHRS and RC and tried again and it took off ok. This isn't the first time I have had to do this. Still have the drift to the rear and left. Re-terminated all motor leads and let the unit orientate to the outside weather for 5 minutes prior to powering up. Bottom left motor doesn't spool up as quick as the others. If this motor is underpowered, I could see where it would drift to the rear and left. Going to switch motor with one from the other side and see if trouble follows. Might even take off all four bottom motors and start from there.


I have the exact same problem with my V8 and have to do the same thing recalibrate, I was told to upgrade to the beta version 1.34b for the FC> I did the upgrade and seems to work better.

My bird has the tendency to drift to the rear and left. I'm flying the V-8. Today, I tried to lift off and it kept flipping over. Did this about 5 times. Recalibrated the AHRS and RC and tried again and it took off ok. This isn't the first time I have had to do this. Still have the drift to the rear and left. Re-terminated all motor leads and let the unit orientate to the outside weather for 5 minutes prior to powering up. Bottom left motor doesn't spool up as quick as the others. If this motor is underpowered, I could see where it would drift to the rear and left. Going to switch motor with one from the other side and see if trouble follows. Might even take off all four bottom motors and start from there.


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I have the same problem with the AHRS drifting. I just purchased the V8 10 days ago and it has been a challenge to deal with so many issues.
Every time I connect to the XAircraft Center, I notice it has drifted quite a bit. It would be a huge pain to have to have a laptop with you at all times and have to calibrate before every flight.

I am new to the quads so I will post some of the issues I have hoping to find answers here. I have been flying Helis for a long time, from turbine Helis to the blade mcpx.
1) all my radio aux channels respond fine in the xAircraft center, the normal, ATT and the return home indicators turn on with my radio commands fine, followed by confirmation of the pilot lamp beeps and light indicators. The issue is that during flight, theHeading hold, position hold or the return home functions DO NOT work.
The quad flies fine in normal mode
2) This morning I was doing hovering test and everything was fine but every so often, the quad went up rapidly, (like full throttle), where I had to cut the throttle and then compensate again before the model hit the ground. It would fly fine for another minute before it would do the same thing

Any suggestions?
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I think I found one of the sources of my problem.
After making sure all my motors were in same same plane as suggested by XAircraft support. (which did improve on the initial yaw issue I had), I found why my "hold position or ATT" and my return function don't work correctly.
Before each flight, I calibrate the AHRS, then I plug the quad and wait until it locks the GPS satellites and then I take off.
The first minute of fly, things seem to work ok but as I flight longer, I find my self compensating more and more to achieve a level flight until my sticks are maxed out in one direction. At that point I land and if I try to take off again, but the model just flips to one side.
When I check the ARHS, I see it has drifted at least 20 degrees to the left and that is why it was so hard to control the model and why during the second attempt to take off, the model flipped right away.
I re-calibrated the AHRS again and while watching its behavior, withing 20 mins after calibration, it drifted 20 degrees to the left again.
Either I have a defective AHRS or these components are very questionable in quality. Other RC blogs have the same complains as I do.
I was going to try to update all my firmware to see if that resolves the issue, but all the firmware that my model came with, is missing from the XAircraft web site. My FC wirmware is 1.33 , my AHRS firmware is 1.23 and either one is in the XAircraft web site.
I wonder if this company will correct this issue. Until then, I don't think is safe to fly this 650 V-8.
I sent an email to XAircraft support and I am waiting for their reply.
In the mean time, if any of you have been able to overcome this problem, please post your solution in this post
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