Wow, is this a sign of things to come? DJI Support??? Holy cow Batman


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
I have just received an email from DJI promising support for the Inspire and not just that, within an hour of emailing them! Also, they say they are evaluating the idea of rolling this out to other products.

Okay, the cynics may say that they are just getting prepared to deal with all the faults we are likely to find as per normal in a DJI product launch, or that this wont work at all, but I actually think they might be interested in turning around their reputation for support. If so this would be a MASSIVE step in the right direction.

So, given that they have taken this step let's give them the benefit of the doubt and let them prove themselves on this and dare I say it, be positive towards DJI on this. Sure there will be some teething issues with the support provision but as this is a first for them, let them work on those to tune this essential service. If it works I would love to see this rolled out to other products and it would potentially prove that DJI is willing to step out from just plain 'hobby' provision and move more into professional aviation at the same time. Well done DJI and bring it on!

PS I haven't bought an Inspire nor do I intend to do so but never the less this could be great news.


Oh sure when you are on their site 2 tabs open on the side for the Inspire and Phantom 3, but what about the rest of us? I've emailed them 2 times over a week ago and have not even received a computer generated response. Come on North America when will you have a US built drone with our own flight system and customer service we are used to??


3DR is trying, (Chinese parts assembled in Mexico, office in USA), and I've bought 2 Iris+ units, although I found it easier to buy mine through, (I'm a Prime member), than the 3DR site. But DJI has been around awhile, and apparently has a chit load of $$$ to play with. Just go to any site, and look at the number of posts under DJI, as compared to any other manufacturer. Maybe more posts because of more problems, or just simply more customers. Sorry to say, but in this age, money talks, period! With enough money to push your product, you could sell dog poop in a can. Anyone remember the "Pet Rock" ha ha ha
