Working out the addiction

Wayne Jones from Kure Beach, NC USA
A good friend of mine sold me a crappy little fixed pitch helicopter a few years ago. A better friend of mine told me to throw it off of my roof then jump on it til I was sure that it was broken. He said that it would save me thousands of dollars and hours of heart ache.
I should have listened. Needless to say, thousands of dollars later and countless hours here I am, investing in another project. Addictive personalities are hell sometimes but it is who I am. I have learned a lot over the past few years and I am just excited about being a part of a cool community of crazy nut ball individuals that through forums like this have advance the technology of rc aircraft to a level that almost equals military technology. Only in these days of freedom of information and internet can I share information simultaneosly with people around the world.
This is so cool.
Thank You!


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Welcome :)

I understand your addiction. I have 25 years of rc planes, 6 years of helis (started with a Honeybee, I've now been doing part-commercial AP for 5 years) and I've been swearing at multis for 10 months. As a diy'r, I like to build all my own stuff in my spare time... not good when one is married with kids...
I can't be doing too bad as the wife hasn't walked into MY shed with a prop blu-tacked to her nose (to get noticed) for a few years...


That's pretty good Yuri. Yeah my wife and daughter refer to me as Tinkering Tom when I go to the garage to work on something. But dig this, my wife wants me to get out of the film industry and into AP work. It is almost criminal the amount of money that I have spent over the past 5 years. I feel almost guilty. I then quickly rationalize those thoughts out of my head and all is well.


The way my wife rationalizes me spending money on something for me for the computer, she get's to buy a purse, shoes, etc


Active Member
Yep - in our house it's called the "Toy Tax" - dinners out for small items, shoes and bags for medium ones and vacations for outrageous ones ;)


Active Member
toy tax... I love it! The same thing goes on around our house, but it's never had a name till now. Thanks! :D


told my wife that we'll call it a toy tax and she laughed after I explained it to


My wife and I have our money + a monthly pocket money for me and her to spend on what ever we like...
This got a little clouded once we started a photography business but I have shown incredible self-control over not exploiting this too much ;)
