WooKong-M GPS mounting?

Nearly finished with my F550/WKM build. I've a few questions re the GPS antenna.

First, DJI suggests mounting it to the top plate using epoxy. That seems a little TOO permanent for my tastes. My plan, after consulting a few people, is to instead mount it with gyro tape. Can anyone suggest something better without being as permanent as epoxy?

Second, while I understand the need to get the antenna as far from other electronics as possible, it seems that using the longest of the supplied masts would only invite more vibration and therefore cause other problems. Is there really an advantage to using that one as opposed to the medium length mast? I can use the medium length and still get it well away from the other componentry.

All ideas welcome!




I used epoxy to glue the mast to the aluminum mounts supplied. I used Scotch Mounting tape (5 pound rating) underneath the bottom aluminum mast mount and then secured it into place using screws. I was nervous about affixing the GPS/Compass unit. I took my time and made sure the the arrow on the unit was point forward.


Just to let you know and it also says in the manuel, that you not always can count on the direction on the GPS unit...

Sometime you have to point it a bit out of line... Thats why I made a 3M screw to hold it in place and also being abel to adjust it...
