Wookong-M Firmware v5.10


Hello !

I just downloaded the latest assistant and the new manual.
I find it very very confusing how the new features are configured.
For example the new intelligent orientation control control modes 1 2 and 3.
How are the configured and how do I use one of them with the same switch.

I hope, that there will be some explanations in the near future.



As far as controls go, if you're using SBUS or a traditional receiver, not as much has changed as at first might appear.

There is a new "Go-home" switch mode which can be assigned to channel X3. If you previously had a method of activating go home, such as through the main flight mode switch to move between M - A - GPS/A and failsafe, then you don't need to use this. I suppose it's useful for people who couldn't add a mix to that mode switch in order to get the 4 positions out of a channel with a 2 or 3 position switch, but for anyone else it serves no purpose. Note also that if you use this X3 channel for go home you can't use it for gimbal tilt or remote gain tuning.

Next the Intelligent Operation Control now has an extra feature - POI. This will circle a point that you select at a distance you select, provided that distance is greater than 5m and less than 500m. This means there are now 4 IOC modes - Off, POI, Home Lock and Course Lock (the latter two of which have not changed). Because of this and because most people only have a two or three position switch available they offer 3 different "Control Modes", labelled 1, 2 and 3. In mode 1 you can have Off, Home Lock, Course Lock. This means you can't use POI. In mode 2 you can have Off, Course Lock, POI, which means no Home Lock and in mode 3 you can have Off, POI, Home Lock which means no Course Lock. The X2 channel is configured in the same way as previous firmware to select between whichever three you've chosen.

In short then for someone who already had a three position mode switch for flight mode and failsafe, and a three position switch for IOC, the only change is to choose a Control Mode for the IOC channel, based on deciding which IOC mode you want to live without. There are no other control changes.

All the above applies regardless of what type of receiver you're using. Personally I'm very disappointed that we can't use additional SBUS channels to control the various features AND still retain gimbal control AND remote gain adjustment. Of course there are limited physical connections on the flight controller, but with SBUS that wouldn't matter.

The POI feature does look good - you set a POI by flying over it and toggling the IOC switch, then flying at least 5m away, and not more than 500, and activating the POI mode with your IOC switch. It will then circle the point, yawing as it goes. This is pretty valuable because it's nothing something you can reasonably achieve flying it by hand.

It's a shame DJI haven't got a native English speaker on their team who could write the manual. All the information is there but it is not an easy job to decipher it because of the language.
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Just to clarify how i understand POI…

I want to fly around a monument in the park, say

I fly up to and hover over it, toggle the IOC switch, back off by at least 5m (but not more than 500m), the MR will rotate to face the POI and as the radius exceeds 5m it'll begin circling the POI.

I can then reduce throttle to move vertically up and down the POI as required.

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After your "back off by at least 5m" you then need to move the IOC switch to the POI setting, it doesn't just happen because you backed off having set the POI. But other than that, yes.

HEX junky



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Thanks Plingboot for explanation on the control modes. The English is not too bad in their manual. At least there is a translation for English. I don't see why DJI can't hire someone in the community to check the English. It's not bad, but you have decipher some of the meaning on things. If English is not your native tongue you could have a hard time.

I'm looking forward to updating and testing my craft!

HEX junky

What do you want to know....it's a S800 :tennis:

I can think of the obvious questions:
Batteries are 2x 6S 5800
The total flying weight is 7.1kg
50 Waypoint down link
The discs under the speed controllers....when there was the talk about hot ESCs, I machined these heat sinks and attached them. I have done the re-work on the ESCs and the heat sinks are not required.....BUT, I attached them with thermal epoxy and can't get them off...so 120 grams of wasted weight!! :shame:
I have added a quick removable tail fin with very high intensity nav lights controlled from my TX. This is purely for my orientation purposes and has no effect on flight performance. Maybe another 400 grams total with small 3S Lipo.
This was my first test flight with the Zenmuse......


Since upgrading to 5.10 I no longer have any use of the throttle and rudder.. Meaning I cannot arm the motors. Anyone else have this problem?
O.K so here is my description of the problem
After updating to firmware 5.10 I have lost response from the throttle and rudder channels, if I cycle through Traditional Dbus and ppm, then back to traditional functionality is restored until the power of the wkm is cycled then there is no output from throttle and rudder meaning motors cannot be armed neither can the machine be flown? I have tried with a Spectrum transmitter and receiver also and the same problem exists. I am using a Futaba 10c with Frsky module, I have scanned the forums and it seems others are having the same problem of not being able to arm motors? I have no further information than that? So whether it is the same problem? Or they are just doing it wrong? Cannot be confirmed as of yet


Drone Enthusiast
I just updated to 5.10 and everything went smoothly without a hiccup. GPS is noticeably better and it was windy. The Yaw twitch isnt there which was my main complaint with the last firmware. RTH options are nice although I didnt test them. But all does work.

this was tested on my Y6/av130/nex5n Avroto/Graupner 11x5.


Drone Enthusiast
Iris in general do you feel that it levels less aggressive/smoother in wind or the same old twitching ?




Drone Enthusiast
My DJI never flew great at work. I dont know why. Metal buildings weird winds. It flies the same as before. The fact it didnt try to fly back to China makes it a success to me. As I flew a job earlier out in the open and the wind was calm I can compare the GPS. Normally the gps sucks at work and is outstanding in an open field. But today it needed a good 2 meter circle. BUT when I upgraded to 5.10 at work it actually was windier and not smooth wind at all and clearly was doing a better job trying to fight for the position. The gimbal is slightly better but they still didnt address the gains. Gains are useless on the DJI as there is only a 5 unit margin of error before the gimbal starts to over correct as it tilts/rolls. I was hoping they fixed that. Also, the speed at which the tilt responds to the slider (x3) is not as slow at a value of 1. not good either as I liked it really slow and now you cant tone it down like before. but still over all the speed has slightly increased and they added a frequency chart to match your servos. the biggest thing that it got rid of was the annoying as hell yaw twitch. that right there made it worth it. And again, the fact that it worked without any erratic behavior was great. the upgrade will still keep your old gains/ dimensions so you dont need to re-enter them but it is good to recalibrate and double check EVERYTHING.


Drone Enthusiast
Cool thanks for the feedback. Lets what it does for my birds. My CS8 with the 5.08 was constantly wagging its tail. Will be interesting to see if that stops.




The 5.10 upgrade was real easy for me...everything done in less than 5 minutes.

After loading the new assistant, it updated the quads firmware, rebooted the quad, restarted assistant, all my settings were saved and working....sweet.

Only thing i did was choose control mode 3 for POI and read how to arm it....which works awesome btw.

Quad seems more zippy....lightning now so no flying.



I am having problems on my laptop with the assistant cutting off some of the options, especially in the autopilot screen. I installed it on a smaller laptop I have (that I really don't like too much) and it worked on it. Any ideas how to fix it? Here is a screenshot.



I think you need your flight mode switch and failsafe setup to access that section....your status is unknown.

Also, you're gains look screwy.

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The reason it is unknown is that the wookong wasn't plugged in when the screenshot was taken. It displays the whole screen on the other laptop but not this one no matter if the WKM is hooked up or not.
