Wookong M compass will not calibrate correctly.


Hi everyone,

I have a problem with the GPS compass on my Wookong-M controlled Skyjib 8.
It has always worked in the past and the aircraft is now over a year old and has been fine but recently the yellow/green error lights became more frequent and now it seems i can never get it working.
Im not sure if it is me thats the problem (ie. the way i perform the calibration) or the compass itself.
Either way, please could you watch this short video of me calibrating the compass and tell me what I am doing right or wrong.

Any other questions please ask, it wold be great to get this sorted before I have too many other jobs on.
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Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
When you do the calibration, take it a good 10m away from things like mobile phones, your transmitter, the flight case etc. In other words, get the copter on its own with nothing metalic or emitting near by. I don't think this is relevant but it might help, try not to spend so long in the transition between horizontal and vertical.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Why hello stranger!

So, as Carapau said, go a bit quicker.

I would pick up the heli as soon as you enter calibration mode and spin it around with you at the centre, same with the vertical.

Have you changed the compass/IMU position measurements in the assistant at all? Or changed anything at all? Flown in a magnetic area recently? Do you normally calibrate sitting on the case as that can be slightly magnetic.

Hmmm, how old is your WKM?

Sorry, bunch of questions as usual!! :nevreness:


Thanks guys, (Angus Im assuming Carapau is you). I have calibrated successfully a few times before but it seems from what you are saying that it is not what Im doing, its the way Im doing it. I will give it another go without the props and gimbal on there so I can move it around a bit more easily, and there is less to interfere with the compass. Hopefully that should get me going again!
Ben the WKM is the original stuff and I picked up the aircraft last March - a month before we met at the BNUC school. I havent fiddled with anything in the settings but I did upgrade to 5.26 firmware a couple of months ago (questionable decision judging by some of the stories on here)
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Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I personally have had a great time with 5.26 this year. Not a single issue.

I would leave the gimbal and props on. You may have to stretch your arms a bit but in my opinion the aircraft should be entirely flight ready when you do the calibration.

Just keep trying, it'll come together eventually. Hopefully you'll go D'oh! and have a eureka moment. :nevreness:


OK that makes sense really to keep it as it will be in the air.
The other thing I should have pointed out is that sometimes the LED will display that it calibrated correctly after the procedure and whilst on the ground, but as i take off and move the craft away it returns to the error status. Im assuming this is just a lesser version of the same issue shown in the video, where I almost do it right but not well enough that it works in flight.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Yup, it's me! Like Ben, I have been using 5.26 without any issue. I haven't heard of many issues with this version so I think you should be fine. Just avoid the A2 haha!


I really think firmware updates to be online can be modified unilaterally by DJI, perhaps without malice, but I also used the 5.26 long without problems until I went back to reinstall it, I never thought this could bring harm.

After that yellow / green always and could not calibrate the compass.

With my dealer changed the components one by one to see which was the one with problems and nothing was resolved only when I went to firmware version 5.22 - 5.20 or 5.18 either of those.

You just download the software from http://www.dji.com/product/wookong-m/download Wookong assistance and select the version, and upgrade instructions as've already downloaded version.

5.26 Why after a while gives errors is a mystery, do not want to speculate.


I had this same problem. My WKM would simply not calibrate although it had done it in the past. I spent 3 days doing the same thing you are doing and getting the Green and yellow flashes. I thought for sure my GPS puck had gone bad. So I took it to a friends house and plugged my GPS into his system. Fired it up and it worked perfectly on his the first time. I brought it home and plugged it into my system, mounted it in the exact same location it had been and it worked perfectly first try.

No idea what plugging it into a different system did, but it's worked since!


Thanks sleepy, another thing I have done fairly recently is switched from using the Windows based software to the mac version since that has been released. Perhaps if I USB the system back into the windows software it might bring something to light.
