wookong: i can't calibrate the compass!!!


Having problems calibrating the compass. I have flick the mode switch 6-10 times, but the light won't go blue.
Is there anything i am doing wrong? my 3 switch is set to GPS, ATTI, MANUAL, i tried 10-15 times to switch it...nothing!!! the BLUE led wont coming!!


I flip the Mode switch from Manual to GPS 6-8 times and I usually get the blue light. Not more than 10 times. I know the manual reads Manual to GPS ATTI., but I always have a problem when I do it that way.


In my switch the gps is the first position, second is atti and third is manual..i tried to do 5-6 times but nothing!!


If you have the bluetooth led you can use the phone app to calibrate compass. It is in the tools section of the app.
If that doesn't allow it to enter the calibration then you may have a faulty unit.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I switch from GPS to ATTI to Manual exactly 7 times. Try 6 then 7 then 8 etc. Don't just keep flicking upto 10/15 times, do a set number each time methodically then start again.


IT WORKSS!!!!!!! thanks thanks thanks!!! 7 times..with right time...not too fast and not too slow..!


Start with your switch in Manual. Then move it to Atti GPS or GPS 6-8 times ending, stop, in either Atti GPS or GPS. Remember NOT to have any metal in your pockets, keys, change, etc.


ok thanks, but if i want to set GPS, ATTI and FAILSAFE, will work? Because i'm afraid to use the manual mode..i'm afraid to switch wrong sometimes..!

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Once you've calibrated your compass (well done by the way) just switch it back to the GPS/ATTI/FS configuration. That's also how I have mine.


ok but for next times? I have to connect to the PC everytime to set GPS, ATTI, MANUAL? Because i calibrate the compass often!

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Nope. Just remember your transmitter settings (which ever value you change to activate FS and MAN). For instance I know that my transmitter is 42 for FS and 82 for manual.


Apologises this is an old thread but fits my needs perfectly. I can only get the WKM into Compass Calibration with the iPhone app. GPS, Atti, Manual switching doesn't work. Usually I have FS instead of Manual but Ive been trying it with manual to see if the compass calibration works but it still doesn't. I'm confused as my Naza on F550 works a treat this way.
