Today my scale helicopter did an aggressive right roll on take-off causing a blade strike. Luckily there was no boom strike so damage was limited to blades and a few other minor items. I have been flying rc helicopters for 20 years, have experience with many other flybarless systems but I need some help and clarification with this one please!!!!!
I had flown the helicopter 5 minutes earlier in Atti mode and all was fine. Atti mode was chosen as GPS signal was unreliable due to the mountains. On the second flight I turned on the helicopter in manual mode and allowed the helli to boot undisturbed. Swash compensation was correct in all directions. The swash also moved correctly according to cyclic and collective inputs. The swash plate always has a slight right tilt for trim which is normal for the helicopter but in hind sight on this occasion the tilt was possibly too much.
As soon as the helicopter was airborne it began to roll to the right. I immediately gave left roll control input which had no effect. The helicopter continued to roll so I had to pull back on the collective and allow the helicopter to crash.
Once back in the workshop I decided to turn on the helicopter again on a level table. The swash plate rolled right of level and slightly aft. Compensation looked good in all directions.Then I noticed the problem which under normal circumstances would be hard to spot. The cyclic response to the left and right inputs responded correctly except the swash plate would roll left to level but go no further. In other words there was no left roll authority. The swash plate would respond with left roll to the level then go no further. The swash compensation and collective responses were all good except for the swash plate not tilting beyond the left of level!!!!
I rebooted the model three times on a very level surface and had the same scenario i.e. tilt right swash plate with all responses correct accept no positive left cyclic roll left of level.
On rebooting the Wookong H a fourth time all returned to normal and I could not replicate the scenario again. It now is behaving correctly!!
Could someone please explain what possibly could have happened?
Many thanks
I had flown the helicopter 5 minutes earlier in Atti mode and all was fine. Atti mode was chosen as GPS signal was unreliable due to the mountains. On the second flight I turned on the helicopter in manual mode and allowed the helli to boot undisturbed. Swash compensation was correct in all directions. The swash also moved correctly according to cyclic and collective inputs. The swash plate always has a slight right tilt for trim which is normal for the helicopter but in hind sight on this occasion the tilt was possibly too much.
As soon as the helicopter was airborne it began to roll to the right. I immediately gave left roll control input which had no effect. The helicopter continued to roll so I had to pull back on the collective and allow the helicopter to crash.
Once back in the workshop I decided to turn on the helicopter again on a level table. The swash plate rolled right of level and slightly aft. Compensation looked good in all directions.Then I noticed the problem which under normal circumstances would be hard to spot. The cyclic response to the left and right inputs responded correctly except the swash plate would roll left to level but go no further. In other words there was no left roll authority. The swash plate would respond with left roll to the level then go no further. The swash compensation and collective responses were all good except for the swash plate not tilting beyond the left of level!!!!
I rebooted the model three times on a very level surface and had the same scenario i.e. tilt right swash plate with all responses correct accept no positive left cyclic roll left of level.
On rebooting the Wookong H a fourth time all returned to normal and I could not replicate the scenario again. It now is behaving correctly!!
Could someone please explain what possibly could have happened?
Many thanks