I have two WKM flight controllers. One of them is set up to my Xaircraft 650 V and the other to DJI S800. Both aircrafts are controlled by the same radio (JR 11 DSMX) and both of them have almost the same FC setup. The one which is attached to x650 V is working properly with no issues, but the one which is attached to S800 has a problem. When I connect the battery to the system, the LED starts to blink red, green, blue, white and then goes off. No LED indicator in any of flight modes. When I switch one flight mode to the other I see the result change in WKM software, but no indication is given by the LED. Also if there is no GPS connection the LED does not blink red. When the home point is set the LED Does not flash green. Simply said, the LED just flashes when plugging the battery and does not work after that at all. Please help.