WKM 5.12 gains on S800

Share yours--I'm having trouble getting it to settle down.

I think I'm at 160/160/180/140

It wants to continue counter clockwise yaw after releasing the stick hence the high yaw gain.

I'm curious where people have ended up.

this is 5.12.a beta firmware
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Hi I don't have the s800 I have the f550 but my my gains are 335 for pitch and roll 260 for yaw and 135 for vertical. I was having the same problem with my yaw hope this helps.


This is what was suggested by Sidney with 5.12... and i found them to be perfect.

220/220/140/150 130/130

I give it a shot, I started at 220/220 and it seemed very "nervous" in a mild wild. do the ATTI gains have any impact when flying in GPS mode?
