XAircraft Will the superx have a fast blinking red


When the motors are not hooked up?

I'm waiting on an order to install them but I did power up the FC and configured it on the PC. All I'm getting is a fast red.


Fast red indicates an error. Could be many things. GPS not plugged in or deffective. TX not turned on. TX turned on but throttle is up. I suppose motors not attached could be one.


What a cluster f@#%. Flashing red continues. Tried to go into the interface and take a look. Plugged in USB and drive pops up but when I clicked on the drive it says "superx is not responding".
I think I see A2 in my future.


You need to relax and take your time.
Make sure all the cords are plugged in properly. The superX is WAY easier to set up than an A2. (and it flys great)

You will find ALL the flight controllers need patience.
I have 4 SuperX's 2 WKM;s, 2 A2's and several other FC's and the Super X is one of the easiest to tune and set up.
Take your time, read the manual and it will work.


I would have to agree with SleepyC. I have two SuperX FCs and they are great. I did have the issue you are describing once. No matter what I did it was blinking red. It turned out to be the Taranis Tx and setting the range of the sticks. I think. The SuperX is also very sensitive to having the GPS/Compass calibrated properly. Until you go through the calibration procedure exactly as shown in the videos and see the LED respond correctly to each axis being calibrated the SuperX will give you an error. As SleepC said, take it slow and follow the instructions carefully. The effort will pay off.


I did not do a compass or stick calibration when I first hooked everything up. As per the manual, I'm using futaba setup instructions with a
Taranis connected via S-bus. I also get GPS lock through a solid concrete roof!
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Guys I appreciate the help but I've read cover to cover on the manuals. I am miticulous with wiring and have checked multiple times. I'm pretty sure this flight control is DOA. Can't even open the software. It's going back.
I set up everything including end points according to this:

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Bummer, but it doesn't sound like you have a choice. If it won't connect to the computer there's not much else you can do.


Pumpkin it is important to do everything the manual says in the setup and exactly the way it is described. You'll get it. My biggest hangup was power. I was using a stepdown converter to give the SX 5 volts. Wouldn't work until I hooked the SX directly up to 6S power from the PDB.


Did you throw out the log file in the "log folder”
If I remember correctly when trying to boot into 1.8 and the log file from 1.7 is in the folder it will just blink red.


I have it boxed up ready to ship back for inspection. Here is the weird thing. Connected to sbus it flashes red. With the osd hooked up and based on the monitor display it is in gps mode and I cannot switch between flight modes. When I hook up via servo cables it flashes green and display shows atti mode. Still cannot switch between modes.
I deleted log file and I'm on the current firmware.


That does sound strange.

So when you plugged in the USB cable, you had the unit powered on right? And it does not show up as a “drive” on your PC?


That does sound strange.

So when you plugged in the USB cable, you had the unit powered on right? And it does not show up as a “drive” on your PC?

Sorry. I should have updated that. It showed up on the pc. Then it didn't. Then it did.
Also, When I searched the web I did find a couple cases of sbus connectivity issues.


That video I posted on the first page of this post is from a guy that has a business building MR's. He has a couple superx and one one acted in this way. That's why I don't feel like a rookie or nuts. A guy way more experience than me having the same problem. With a totally different transmitter. After multiple back and forths with xaircraft he had to send his back to China.


I'd be happy to unbox it and do a full video for you guys if you think it would help. I really wanted to use superx. Not because it was cheaper. I don't give a rats a$$ about the extra money for A2. I am building this aircraft right with the best of everything based on my reaearch.
