Who's sporting a new RTF quad this morning???


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Let's here from all the new quad owners.....watcha got?

I got coal :( and a capo :)

Pics are mandatory!




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OMG she got it wrong twice!?!?! This campus quad is now known as the "SleepyC Memorial Grass land" All I wanted was a QUADCOPTER... Why didn't I put the "Copter" part on the list!??!?! :(

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Well, didn't get it this am, but I did wait to open the package until this morning. My grandkids all got together and got me a racing quad for Christmas. All my grandkids have them, I spend time watching them fly them, and have flown a few of theirs - they have different kinds, so they decided I needed one. They sent me a RTF Storm Type A with FPV. I know nothing about this little beast, have to assemble it, what little there is to assemble. I don't have a pic (yet) but will see about taking one and uploading it once I get it put together.

I had actually been considering getting one so I could play/race with all of them. It's a beginning, I think I would be more interested in something bigger that I could hang a go pro on, and use for photography, etc.


Gary Seven

Well, all I got WRT RC flying was something done by my own hand. I give you Exhibits A, B, and C:
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This is what happens when you are talked into doing a demo by drunken X-mas family at dusk, and your RTH demo goes bad because you lose control in moderate winds at the last minute. Too funny. I even saw that my quad wasn't going to return to its initial launch point because of the wind, took over control, and proceeded to fly her into the palm tree in my yard.

No worse for the wear except the damaged X8R Rx. I have NO IDEA how to repair this, but the thing still seems to have decent range. Moral of the story: Don't drink and fly! LOL!!


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Welcome to MultiRotorForums.com!!
Well, didn't get it this am, but I did wait to open the package until this morning. My grandkids all got together and got me a racing quad for Christmas. All my grandkids have them, I spend time watching them fly them, and have flown a few of theirs - they have different kinds, so they decided I needed one. They sent me a RTF Storm Type A with FPV. I know nothing about this little beast, have to assemble it, what little there is to assemble. I don't have a pic (yet) but will see about taking one and uploading it once I get it put together.

I had actually been considering getting one so I could play/race with all of them. It's a beginning, I think I would be more interested in something bigger that I could hang a go pro on, and use for photography, etc.


welcome to the site CD, enjoy you new quad!

how did you happen to find us here this morning?


Thanks for the welcome Bartman. I think I will enjoy it, I have certainly enjoyed flying my grandkids drones. They all started out with some very basic drones, UTI's. So as they outgrew them, I then started flying them a little. Up until now, I have mostly watched, but now, they will get some engagement out of me, it might surprise them.

I found this forum group when I was watching you tube videos, in particular a video on how to build a 250 racing drone. In the 'more' footnotes of that video was reference to this group, so here I am, I took the hint.


Old Man

Active Member
Glad you dropped in, welcome to the fun house. Gotta love it when we of an older generation re-discover the fun stuff!


Truly COOL present delivery method Rickey . . maybe someone will design some kind of 'drop' delivery system, kind of like you drop bombs with?? whatever you'd call that, but it would be something very useful that we all could use at some point in time I'm sure.


Old Man

Active Member
Pretty easy really. Set up an Aux channel of a receiver to trigger a lever release like what is used for the tow hooks on RC gliders, and away it goes.


Owner of RT Aerial Videos
Thank you Cdinnm my approach was simple I just tied a string to the multirotor and placed the present in the bag which was tied as well.... Old man is right it's simple to do if you wanted to actually drop items on demand.

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@ Old Man - maybe pretty easy for you, but I am truly a noob to all this quad stuff, I have never played with RC gliders or any other RC toys.

Now I'll have to go investigate those things. My interest in all this started with my Grandchildren. They all have quadcopters, and they all have pretty much the same models. My home has some acreage surrounding it, so the kids and I kind of set up a track for them to fly and compete with each other. Reminds me of pole bending, and barrel racing that the horse people do. It's not all that big of an area, and of course until now they were all flying in a place that they could see their quads to fly them. I got each of them an FVP system for their quads for Christmas, we are going to get the FVP stuff installed this coming Sunday afternoon, call it a group build. Now their little flying course can evolve into some of the area beyond their own vision, around and through some trees, etc using the FPV.

I was thinking after seeing Rickeys post, how cool it would be to add some kind of drop system, as you called it a release trigger, then the kids could compete trying to drop stuff against some kind of ground target . . add some excitement and skills to all this to keep them really busy with it. I guess I will have to seek info on how to do that stuff. Maybe I will have to make it more challenging and have them pick stuff up too . . .

@Rickey - I really think you idea to deliver your wife's present is cool. How did she like it? I bet she probably thought it was 'sweet', eh?


Old Man

Active Member
One requires a radio system that has the appropriate features that would permit accessorizing. Most of the small store bought RTF quads don't have the capability. The copter in Rickey's post likely has more receiver channels that are being used in the current state so one similar or higher in grade to his could be adapted. It does take a little time to pick up the various quirks of the hobby, but give it time. Nobody in this stuff ever stops learning. I've been in RC 45 years and haven't got everything down yet.

I understand about grand kids and property but mine are more interested in cartoons still and not quite ready for the good stuff.


Owner of RT Aerial Videos
Yes Cdinnm she liked it and thought the delivery was pretty funny. Your setup at your place sounds like fun! Your grand kids are lucky.

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Owner of RT Aerial Videos
Yes bartman it flies really well and is really strong for the price. I think it's one of the best quads you can get for the price. Also they make replacement parts for almost everything so you don't have to worry if you crash and break something.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


I wish I could show something new. On Christmas I lost my Blade 180QX (Pilot error...) Got disoriented and couldn't get it back :(

However my replacement 180 QX will be here Monday, along with my 3DR Iris + Pics then :rolleyes:
