which urban filming rules in france?


Hi people i need to konw which safety operations are needed in frace for drone filming in urban situation
who can help me on this? i don't speack french and i want to be in line with frace regulation so if someone from france can help me it would be really apreciated

i saw that for urban filming there is a limit of 4Kg total weight for the drone....is that thrue?!? so small weight?
what about filming with professional cameras?

thanks in advance to anybody who wants to help

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
I believe filming anywhere near people or urban areas is super difficult in France. You'll need a parachute at the very least.

Out in the countryside you'll be fine though.

Absolutely need permission for each area you fly in. The penalties are harsh and the country is a little sensitive to drones following the power plant and Paris incidents.


thanks Benjamin
do you have any direct experiece on urban filming in France?

it looks like it's impossible to do urban filming if i can't overpass the limit of 4Kg and i have to use a parachute and other safety measures..

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
No experience yet.

BBC are sending me there end of August so I'll be able to tell you more in the next month once the planning has been done and permissions granted.


thanks Benjamin

so if there is someone from France here that want's to help us...it will be really apreciated!
so any operator will enter France with all the respect of the rules


There is a french group on Facebook called "drone professionnel et imagerie aérienne". I think you can find all the answers you need there, a lot of french professionals are in this group.

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Here's the response I got:

If you want to operate in France just one time, you must send to this address travail-aerien-bf@aviation-civile.gouv.fr :

1) Copies of your :
- operations manual or any documents with your operations procedures included
- your national aviation authorities authorizations (operation and airworthiness) and associated limitations
- remote pilot titles (theoretical and practical).
- insurance policy

2) Description (text + drawings/maps/photos) of your mission and of the flight area(s)

3) Description of the aircraft

3) DNC form for each remote pilot signed by the operator

4) Statement of compliance form signed by the operator

Limitations and conditions will be set according to the documentation provided and our regulation.

Please note that:
- for an operation in urban area or near people gatherings, we request aircraft with a mass > 2 kg to be equipped with a safety parachute (to be demonstrated to us), or to be tethered. Besides a local police authorization will be needed in addition of ours.

- for an operation close to aeronautical installations or in controlled airspace, you will need also a specific authorization from local airspace and/or airfield authorities.

- during every operation, third parties (not linked to the shooting activity) must be kept at least at 30 m from the aircraft (on all its flight track). People linked to the activity can be closer (but not directly below) if they have been informed of the specific safety procedures in case of failures/emergencies and have signed a statement that they have been so informed.

B) If later you want to operate routinely in France, you must follow the same process as French operators, described here (sorry only in French):http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/Demarches-pour-effectuer-des.html

Follow the link to have access to our regulations translated into English : http://www.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/document137398

You must send the documentation at least three weeks before the date of operation so please plan ahead.


thank you so much Benjamin this really helps a lot!
i wish all the best for your next project and let us know when it will be online
