which model is good to fly?


Hi people recently a client of mine started to ask about aerial thermal imagery

I'm trying to understand which models, brands, options and so on

it looks like that FLIR is one of the best but depending by the nature of these cameras, oriented to a particular industrial market,
there is nothing that has the logic of a compact camera
I'm looking for something light to fly and that records the data on a SD card and lets control the camera settings wireless

I'm sure that someone on this forum has an answer ;)


thanks Steveinid

it is one of the models i was following but no one tells about how to record the data

it looks a kind of leak in thermal cameras..

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
It looks like you'd need a ground station type setup and record onto a laptop. There is some interface equipment on the FLIR website and it's not that expensive. I'm also looking into this brand.


hi benjamin
so you confirm that there are no solutions for record onboard

do you have a link to the groundstation that you talk about?

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?


i was meaning you confirm about flir...that has no solution for record on board

btw i'm searching online by several months and honestly I didn't found any solution that records onboard
mybee the groundstation solutio is good anyway

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Yes, that's what I mentioned, couldn't see any solution for on-board recording (last sentence). A live down-link is better anyway as you achieve a more directed approach to scanning. You can record a live video feed on the ground to an SD card or hard drive. :tennis:


yes i have to better analyze the FLIR software

it could be that we really don't need to record on board if the down-link and software work well

Infinite Jib

New Member
If you are looking for a professional IR setup then the ORION is the only option.
The ORION does not use basic IR cameras like the Tau. The ORION captures the raw radiometric data in flight for real time or post flight analysis.
FLIR System came to Infinite Jib early last year to ask us to create the worlds first multirotor which can capture the raw radiometric data.
Here's what FLIR has to say about the ORION

"According to Rob Milner, Automation Manager at FLIR Systems Ltd. , “Infinite Jib has created a professional aerial thermographic imaging system that is light years ahead of systems that require piloted flight and can only stream dead video to a ground station.”

You can see the craft at www.infinitejib.com
I also have raw FLIR files that we took when we did a test flight over FLIR's head office to share.

Hope this is helpful

Infinite Jib

Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
If you are looking for a professional IR setup then the ORION is the only option.
The ORION does not use basic IR cameras like the Tau. The ORION captures the raw radiometric data in flight for real time or post flight analysis.
FLIR System came to Infinite Jib early last year to ask us to create the worlds first multirotor which can capture the raw radiometric data.
Here's what FLIR has to say about the ORION

"According to Rob Milner, Automation Manager at FLIR Systems Ltd. , “Infinite Jib has created a professional aerial thermographic imaging system that is light years ahead of systems that require piloted flight and can only stream dead video to a ground station.”

You can see the craft at www.infinitejib.com
I also have raw FLIR files that we took when we did a test flight over FLIR's head office to share.

Hope this is helpful

Infinite Jib

Very helpful! Great stuff guys! Expensive but worth it by the looks of it!


Hi Jeff thanks for your answer, the orion looks really interesting

can you tell a bit more about orion?
does it record data onboard?
is it a kind od patent from infinitejib?
is it available to buy the IR camera only?

if you want to tell me more about the prices you can also drop me a line in PM

thanks again


Benjamin Kenobi

Easy? You call that easy?
Is everything included (aircraft and RC, camera, video transmission and analysis software)?

Very interested in this product.

Infinite Jib

New Member
The ORION is a complete system, its a very complete package. Everything is included.
Spectrum Training Radio and AeroSim Simulation Software
The use of a Professional Trainer Craft with an iPad and multi-waypoint to practice on while your craft is in production.
Futaba 14 Channel Radio for the craft.
Three redundant methods of keeping track of your battery levels in flight
Panasonic Toughbook CF-20 for Outdoor visibility in sunlight
DJI A2 Controller with Apple iPad Air with Cellular option
DJI 2.4Ghz Data Link installed and setup on the iPad
DJI Muliti-waypoint software installed on the Toughbook
DJI configuration software installed on the Toughbook
Flight Data Recorder with 16Gb of RAM and 480Gb of storage of your flight recordings,
An illuminated Bluetooth keyboard and Bluetooth mouse, to control the FLIR software on ground
FLIR A65 Camera, mounted on a upgraded AV130 Gimbal, does not use the crappy gyros DJI for stabilization
FLIR Tools PLUS Software
Ground Station Data Link with a separate Range Extender
HIgh Powered Data Links on both the Ground Station and Craft
Two Days Training at Infinite Jib, to cover the operations of the craft, can be upgraded to onsite at your location.
Backed by Infinite Jibs amazing on-going phone and skype support.
Basic FLIR Training on the A65 Camera with Online IR Training from FLIR
Custom Built Aluminum with foam insert travel case.
4 - 11,000 Max Amp battery Packs with a dual Hyperion Charger
Cases for other components such as laptops, ipad, ground station data links and so on.
Built to the highest standard of any RTF builder in the world.
And I bet I still forgot a few others.

For over 3 years we have built RTF systems for the TV and Movie industry. Our customers have never flown anything RC before.
Because of this we have the philosophy that a Ready To Fly UAV must be READY to FLY. No extra parts or add-ons, that are discovered after you get the craft.
We make sure that the customer has all of the equipment they need and know how to use what they have. All items are labeled and the Futaba has labels on all functional switches.

The ORION also comes in customized setups for customers with different needs. If you are doing very large solar installations for example we have an extended flight model that is bigger for that application.

One point I need to make really clear about the ORION. It is like no other IR UAV in the past. I have been a Distributor for Droidworx for over 3 years and have seen the Tau Core units on their site for a few years now. This is not like that. The ORION is a far more advance because unlike a Tau, which only sends a video link via a video transmitter to the ground. The ORION sends a digital data link that allows full control of the IR camera in flight. You can touch anywhere on the screen while the image is being captured to check a temperature. After you land a Tau will only offer you a video file that you can not take measurements from. The ORION's files are fully adjustable and measurable. Think of a Tau like a snapshot that is printed and you can only look at it. The ORION then is like a RAW image and with FLIR Tools you can adjust the image to your hearts content like with a RAW image in Photoshop. The ability to make use the FLIR software allows you to see information that would not be visible with a Tau CORE style camera.
CORE based cameras do have uses on a UAV, Since they are easy to setup and do not require a complicated computerization system and digital data links they are much less expensive. They are perfect for a Situation Awareness Thermal setup, say looking for something hot like a person, ie Police and Military work. They are also easy to overlay GPS information on top of the video feed, just like with a video feed from a regular camera.

I think that should clear up most of your questions.
I can always be reached directly at jeff@infinitejib.com or 905-859-8857
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New Member
check this thermal camera out ... NTSC video output works with any FPV glasses, TV, monitor, DVR ect (RCA, BNC connector) and has multi uses even when not mounted on your UAV!! http://www.ebay.com/itm/ICI-9320-C-...Thermal-Imaging-System-FLIR-New-/231340931172 I cant afford it but did find another site that has it for $2100. Still to expensive for me. This is made for UAV's and the company ICI , has a UAV kit designed specifically with us in mind. I found another core with all the same features ( I think it is the same core they use) for $1700. Anyway out of my price range but it is top quality. Made for the military.
