which GPS to use Nase32


Hi Guys im thinking of getting a Naze32 Full flightcontroller and want to get a GPS for it (the type thats encased in a dome not just the sensor type with out stand ) ive been told that the Ublox type will work with it but if any one know of a better one please could you let me know,also does the Nase support waypoint flying

Thanks Gary


Here you go:

They sell little boxes for it to protect it & mounting plates. The 'puck' GPS's i know are very expensive.
I doubt waypoint works with it, it's a bare-bone FC that even the developer states he couldn't be bothered to put GPS on it.

If you want a good FC with a puck GPS and Waypoint, i would get a Naza M V2 + Datalink, that's actually what the Nase32 developer suggests to people.
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thank you Ronan :02.47-tranquillity:

i do have a Naza but in my wisdom i chose the Naza M light ( yes i know but im half Scottish and we tend to be tight with the $ ) i now know i should have paid the xtra for the Naza M
