Where is piclox 3x


Drone Enthusiast
Anybody any info the the piclox 3x not only that its delayed i payed a month ago and no word ! Anybody on a similar road or has any news !




Drone Enthusiast
thanks seattle_helo, japp seems like they are being shipped also heard that from resellers.


Active Member
George is a great guy and he will not screw you, He has a very demanding job and has a lot on his plate. Just give him time.


Drone Enthusiast
I had no intention to imply that i am getting screwed but I think it is understandable after so much time that people get a little nervous. But i am looking forward to the product and happy that its finally being shipped !

I've had my order in since September 2010 :( Have not heard from George in literally ~4 months.
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Drone Enthusiast
sorry my mistake its spelled picloc 3x :)

Rich its a IMU or gimbal stabilization dedicated for you gimbal and several additional features.

check out http://www.rotorpics.com/. Something we have been waiting for since a long time !


Active Member
Yes. But you could use it with a separate Tx such as Graupner/JR jeti box and have telemetry on the camera mount functions as well using a sum signal input. Well worth it if you have 3 axis.


Active Member
Well there is a lot more to becoming a pro shooter than just that, but it was going to have a 500deg/sec gyro when I last spoke to George which would put it somewhere around the same level of performance as what you have with DJI. Theoretically slightly less. With some post stabilisation you could get pro results with it. Better things are in the pipe but how long that takes to get to a production item is anyones guess. The mass market dictates that a high level device might not sell that well.
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Drone Enthusiast
Denny but dont you think that servos themselves are just the week link in the whole gimbal setups we know. Some short of motors whos position can really be set accurately would be a game changer or ? Thats what i am hopping for that the DJI gimbal is aiming at.



Active Member
The motors are the weak link. All pro full size gimbals use hollow shaft torque motors running at 24 volts plus fiber optic gyros. I have a solution that is using a similar idea but it can only control a light camera such as GoPro etc. . Servos that can utilise 4900 possible positions in 120 degrees are readily available but what I am talking about is around 2 .5 million possible positions. The best theoretical resolution from a 300 deg/sec gyro is about .05 deg. compared to .003 from a FOG. That may sound like overkill but not when you look thro. a telescopic lens. A Fiber Optic Gyro is generally regarded as a Mil.spec. item and not readily available. About 10K for a cheap one.

How much did you guys pay for your Picloc V.3 BTW

What I think DJI need to do is produce a separate imu module that has 20 deg/sec gyros dedicated to just the camera mount. All pro systems work on a inner and outer axis system. In our case the model is the outer axis. I have had it in my mind to replicate my own system for manufacture that works like this but two minutes later one will appear with a made in China label so why bother.
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Drone Enthusiast
I am not allowed to mention how much i payed for them. I was reminded once already that the email in which the price was stated had a confidentiality clause :)


I am not allowed to mention how much i payed for them. I was reminded once already that the email in which the price was stated had a confidentiality clause :)

Why's this, is the price different depending on where you live on the planet?


Active Member
I have about five piclocs that are all laying around waiting to be thrown out as Nothing in the way of software updates has been able to make them usable. Reliability is not George's strong point but he will get there in the end. V3 is the most ambitious one yet and if it delivers then it will be great. My only concern was that when asked why he used a 500 deg/sec gyro he said that it was to stop people from saturating a higher sensitivity one. As the model is the outer axis then that makes no sense at all because camera movements above 5 deg/sec are useless, why worry what stupid people will do, those people are not going to buy a decent system anyway. If you are attempting to shoot good quality video then you already have a stable model and what you need is a very high sensitivity camera IMU. Using the same full scale range gyros as that which the model uses is totally pointless as you may as well use the Flight controller outputs.

What I found to be most disturbing was that in one of the videos he went on to make a lame excuse about servo backlash. Pro's don't do that. If it's not right then don't show it.

I would want to see some good independent evidence that the latest one works properly before buying one.
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