What's your voltage drop?


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Im just curious to see what people are experiencing with voltage drop on a flying aircraft- so what is your aircraft weight, number of motors, battery cell count age of batteries etc and what sort of voltage drop are you getting ie at rest lets say 22.2 volts but in the air 21.2 ie a 1v drop.

Just curious as I think it might be useful to know especially as batteries age.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Good tool and thanks for that, but I was also just wondering what people's real life experiences were too.


Tattu's have the lowest voltage drop i have seen so far. Fully loaded, on a hover, it's like about 0.3-0.5.

I tried one of the generic lipo's, and it was more than 1v of change O_O!
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Been flying a heavy load for a couple of days this week and voltage drop is pretty impressively vertical down from 25 ish to 22.5 but then takes it's time after that, landing at 21.5 which comes up to 22.abit using 2 x gensace 10a on skyjib 8.

Battery sets range from around 75 cycles to 5 and getting significantly better performance from newer ones. I've always been good to them, only taking them below 30% on a few occasions, never below 20 and charge at 1c.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
I get about 1v drop on my Skyjib with batteries that are approaching 2 years old with a lot of use.


Checked today on a shoot and the voltage drops about 2v on takeoff & then stabilises for around 5 mins before gradually dropping.

10400 6S2P desire batteries on a 7.7kg Evo

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD


That's a scary voltage drop... Time to replace those lipo's, or buy higher quality one's... 1v i can understand, maybe even 1.5v... but 2v at take off? Damn!

I had a 0.8 voltage drop yesterday, in very high wind, with a full payload (S900 was at it's max). Tattu 6s 22,000mah lipo. About 4 cycles into it.
