What's acceptable for compass mod values?


Hi all! I'm new to multi's and naza, so I'm trying to second guess everything I do. I just finished a F550 build using the standard combo kit and a nazav2. My first two mod values are spot on, but my compass mod is up around 1900. Is this normal / ok? Should I try calibrating again? Several pirouettes have produced the same results. I did the calibration dance in the middle of my yard, in my driveway, at my desk,and in the living room. Indoor attempts resulted in 2200 or so, outdoor was around 1900.

Quick test flight did not result in toilet bowling.

Tahoe Ed

Active Member
Your compass settings depends on how your F550 is pointing. It is not an issue. If you have done the advanced calibration and the compass calibration at the field you should be fine.


Thanks Ed! I appreciate the response. - I wasn't sure if numbers closer to the midpoint of what the literature claimed as acceptable was better, or if my results might indicate something was amiss with my setup. I did enjoy a full flight yesterday and had no issues in GPS mode.
