One of two things going on here. Either this is an incredibly lame forum, complete with moderators willing to create a front for the lame people that frequent it in hopes of preserving their credibility with you.....or, the idea is simply not that good.
I have no issue with your idea. It's just not for me. That could make me incredibly lame, or it could just simply mean we have different tastes (or in this case, different multirotor world domination competition goals). Regardless, I would never propose to limit your ideas, enthusiasm or dreams. Go for it.
It's like the band I worked with that had the timeless vision of marrying eastern Ukrainian speed metal with oh-so subtle polka tunes (of course with dash a real know, from a Ukrainian cow, not that music store bought crap). But alas, they never found their audience.
I would never deny them their right to create. I just didn't dig it. Didn't have the hip-shake I was looking for. To each their own.
I'm sure you'll find your audience somewhere of people who love to flail their MRs headlong into water, branches and snowbanks. But you stand a better chance, in my opinion, if you don't propose the idea by first insulting them.