Valuable consideration and nominal gain is highly subjective. I guess that's the point of the question, as simplistic as it may sound-- where's the line? It seems like a reasonable question for a discussion forum.
For example, do I need the 107 if I'm just trying to make enough to pay for my drone and batteries? Do I need the 107 if I want to share my pictures on a blog and have google ads? What if I only earn "nominal income" from those ads? What if nominal to me is $50k? Maybe CAP 722 is a little clearer on the topic than the FAA at the moment.
Admittedly new to
this forum, but not new to aviation either in UAV, manned aircraft, and skydiving (where much of 107 was lifted from 105).
Valuable consideration; did anyone benefit in ANY WAY other than ego? If you're promoting someone else' business but got paid nothing, you still benefitted their business? If you receive a free (or paid) battery value, it's gain. You have more because of the work. Seeking to skate the law is silly (and for a moderator, a credibility-killer, coming fresh from the outside).
It's a shock to see how many people with more $$ than brains buy a 1K drone, fly for a few hours, and then call themselves "CEO of XTraHi Films" or "Chief Pilot of Aerial Surveys Inc"(and they're a one-man shop).
If you don't have at least 50 hours of sticktime with a trainer or 100 hours of self-training in a wide variety of contrived scenarios, you have no business being in the business. Those people make it very, very difficult. I look forward to the rash of 91.13 enforcement actions that have already begun.
If you don't know Part 91, read it. Learn how you'll be managed if you screw up. Learn how you'll be charged when you do. Read and memorize the FSIM, because it is that bible that will dictate how you'll be treated.
Without this knowledge... you run a high risk of pain from the FAA.
"What To Do if You're Ramp-Checked"