Quadcopters.co.uk Drone Specialists
I today have discovered that there is a website just sprung up called w ww.quadcopter.co.uk yes you might say a very similar name to my very own website www.Quadcopters.co.uk
Firstly I have absolutely nothing what so ever to do with this site , and secondly they are clearer implying they own my domain also Quadcopters.co.uk
I have spent a lot of time on the phone today trying to discover who is behind this site that is clearly selling nothing but cheap toy helicopters and a conrad copy , and the Parrot Drone.
They have no contact details on there website, however this seems to be a growing trend in todays market place.
They make countless references to the term "Quadcopters" again another growing trend and heavily used by some of the other Sellers in the Uk that now sells Multirotors.
And it does look like to me they are drop shipping goods from China , Yet another growing trend used to sell at to good to be true prices. Although the prices on that site do not appear to be too cheap .
If anybody wants to risk there well earned cash using this site , then I again say this Publicly the site Quadcopter.co.uk is nothing to do with me in anyway shape or form .
I am not affiliated with any other company in the UK as I am getting a growing amount of telephone calls asking am I affiliated with quadcopter.Heliguy as they heavily use the term Quadcopters in all there google ad campaigns and also added the subdomain quadcopters to there existing one .
I just wanted to clear these things up.
The first and original Quadcopters.co.uk and dedicated Multi rotor specialists :tennis:
Firstly I have absolutely nothing what so ever to do with this site , and secondly they are clearer implying they own my domain also Quadcopters.co.uk
I have spent a lot of time on the phone today trying to discover who is behind this site that is clearly selling nothing but cheap toy helicopters and a conrad copy , and the Parrot Drone.
They have no contact details on there website, however this seems to be a growing trend in todays market place.
They make countless references to the term "Quadcopters" again another growing trend and heavily used by some of the other Sellers in the Uk that now sells Multirotors.
And it does look like to me they are drop shipping goods from China , Yet another growing trend used to sell at to good to be true prices. Although the prices on that site do not appear to be too cheap .
If anybody wants to risk there well earned cash using this site , then I again say this Publicly the site Quadcopter.co.uk is nothing to do with me in anyway shape or form .
I am not affiliated with any other company in the UK as I am getting a growing amount of telephone calls asking am I affiliated with quadcopter.Heliguy as they heavily use the term Quadcopters in all there google ad campaigns and also added the subdomain quadcopters to there existing one .
I just wanted to clear these things up.
The first and original Quadcopters.co.uk and dedicated Multi rotor specialists :tennis: