Me too. I dislike Facebook immensely
The best forums grow organically. Its doesn't really matter the number of different threads or how their divided up as long as they have a real purpose for being there and the purpose is provided by the users. When MRF was first launched it had very few TOPIC's, as the number of unrelated threads started to develop they were then categorized by what people cared about.
What changed it, in part, was the product reviews. They were good, probably the best around. Trouble was that they were so good that SleepC started getting more requests for reviews by hobbyists who were migrating over from RCGroups and it started, over time, to address the hobbyists concerns more then the professionals.
No one likes to be told how to run their business, especially in a forum, particularly when the forum is the business. Bart deserves a lot of credit launching MRF but if there was a place that we disagreed it was that you could be a forum for hobbyists or a forum for professionals, but not both. I believe that every bit as much today as I did then.
If DroneVibes wants to grow this forum, they have to pick a side. And the reason I'm more convinced of that today is because MRF did not pick a side and today it is a fraction of its former self.
I'm not complaining, this is me trying to help...
We very much appreciate the feedback and the time you have taken to communicate it. This goes for you and all of those who had input here.
I think there are some great observations and ideas offered. We definitely would be open to help from those willing and able to assist. We could discuss potential equity stakes in the site to make it worthwhile and let you feel you have skin in the game. Our resident experts when we launched have had other things come up that have monopolized their time so we are little short of the expertise and insights we were hoping for.
I can see you, as well as a few others, have this expertise and insight and might be able to create something special here. The site traffic is about flat last few months. No growth or loss either. Some postings were down for a bit due to some server and software changes that We believe are worked out. We do need to tighten up the forum structure and as you said decide on a focus or niche. Let's discuss!