vertical cg in the naza assistant


i ve got my copter put together and now setting up the naza . but how have you guys calculate the vertical cg. Do i need to rig something to hang it off of to get the balance point? I am thinking the cg is somewhere in between the top of the batteries and the bottom frame plate. Am i going in way off course here? thanks


oh i get it, all the assistant is asking for is the distance away from cg, which there is only one cg, vertical distance away from it depends on where you have placed the gps on the frame


Welcome to!!
if you hang the heli sideways from a piece of the airframe you'll start to see about where it balances when it's on its side, that's the location of the vertical CG. measure from the center of the GPS puck to where that vertical CG location is and that's the number you're looking for, in cm. negative is up maybe? you've got to check that, i don't have the assistant open at the moment.


Tek care, lambs ont road, MRF Moderator
Willie, you are right, there is only one cg but it shifts depending on your payload. So, hang you craft from one of the tips of its arms and then drop a plumb line (real or imaginary) down from the hanging point and where it intersects the horizontal cg is where your vertical cg is.
