Using our new DJI F550 and a GoPro 3 on this assignment



As a professional marketing photographer and videographer the idea of offering a new service to our clients using a helicam was very exciting. The excitement is still growing but I must admit that the learning cure needed to master the ability to fly and photograph is very time consuming. This is the first assignment I've done without the help of my mentor, JF. We now have two aircraft designed for helicam projects. The custom built octocopter JF created and fine tuned is about 98% there. Now we just need to master the art of flying as a team... one on the helicam and the other controlling the recording options. It has taken a considerable amount of time and money to get to this level and we have just begun to have footage that is marketable.

You can view my little project at:

And the one that JF and I worked on for several months is at:

Having to learn patience has also been a slow process as well. *smile*



Photobobga, Glad to see you have a successfully utilised a DJI F550 and GoPro 3. I came to this the other way round from you... I am an old hobbyist moving into AP so the camera shots, video and editing are my learning curve... I have to congratulate you on the photos and Video as they are super smooth and good quality. However, I have my doubts you used the GoPro for exclusively as the angle is often too wide for a subject but inside the dome does work surprisingly well.
Are you using FPV to frame the shots and is that to a laptop or do you use goggles.
The other machine I see you use is obviously carrying a Sony Sony CX760 - that is over 1/2 a Kilo without the mount and batteries. That is quite a heavy lump to lift. Can this be set up to FPV or do you need a second gramcam or something else?
