Updated firmware 5.14a NOW WON'T connect!!!


I updated my firmware, yesterday and now it won't connect... Get three RED flashing lights and and beeps continually. I've tried uninstalling app and a drivers but nothing connecting. I have good Internet connection as well. Arrrrrrrr


Firmware screwed update. DJI said I needed to connect M5 and M6 to reset which it did and downloaded firmware all downloaded ok but can't calibrate compass now just keeps flashing RED no other colour.. All settings are correct you can see the switch working in the assistant software wondering if faulty light unit now...

I also updated one of my WKM. With good internet, I had to do it 3 times. I also notice the update beeps/pings was kind of random and not as uniformed sound as the other updates.

My Assistant seems to load now, re input all my numbers, did a write.. I did notice, when I looked at my TX control, there was a lag when I move my stick around. I recalibrated it anyway.. it was still lagging after the calibration. I wrote to the WKM, closed the assistant, and reopened it to see, seems like everything is there, except my lag when I move the stick around.

I flew it only in in GPS low flights.. 50ft-80ft.. did not do RTH yet. even though the WKM assistance shows a lag in response when I move my stick around, it still seems to fly well for the hover, short flights.

I do notice, that when I launch, the F550 seems to have a lag in bringing up one side.. this tends to feel like it is getting ready to flip while taking off, but if I power out, it lifts up and then hovers fine.

What gains should I mess with? is this in the autopilot section?



I must admit mine seems to lag as well.. I've set mine to


I set thus whe. I was running 5.8 and the F550 was very smooth..

I might change to Heli setting on the DX8 and see what happens when re-config and re-bind.

Still waiting for DJI to come back with response on not able to calibrate GPS I'm getting no other colours which maybe a faulty light unit....

Will see...

I did have LED issues.. but first check your power settings, make sure that it is not too high to set the LV alarm. Then what I did, with no props, set the Hexa in calibration mode, expecting blue, I tinkered with the LED till it turned blue.. then continue the horizonal movement, till the light goes out or green.. then if it is out, I tinkered with the LED till it turned green.. complete the vertical calibration.. and.. then tried it to see the blue/green.. again.

I had the same issue, but I already had a weird LED before the update.



Must admit not double checked battery levels will try in a while almost like the battery has dropped below first level no other colours come up. Will see...


Just done a double check. When I flick back and forth on the switch to calibrate red light goes off but no other light shows. As if calibrating but no light to indicate. So I think it's a faulty led. Will call Geoff tomorrow tomreplace.

Just done a double check. When I flick back and forth on the switch to calibrate red light goes off but no other light shows. As if calibrating but no light to indicate. So I think it's a faulty led. Will call Geoff tomorrow tomreplace.

VINF55O: Did you ever get to the bottom of your bad 5.14 firmware install? I now finally decided to take the plunge and try to install the 5.14 FW update to my WKM. I am so freaked out right now because this is the first time that an update has failed to work for me and it sounds like I'm having the same issues and symptoms that you had. During the install my WKM (on the DJI S800) got to the point where it told me to cycle the power to the WKM (which I did as I have always done) and then I started to get an odd pattern of beeps from my motors, a failed install and have not been able to get the unit to do anything since. I tried to re-power then re-install the FW but it just continues to make this odd pattern of beeps with slightly twitching props with each beep. The FW install doesn't seem to do anything now... just an odd, bouncing green progress bar that ultimately fails on the install screen. I JUST got this thing to finally work for me after all of these months of issues and now I am stuck again and not sure what to do. Any ideas?


Has the control unit got a red light on it? If not could be firmware update failed... Mine was both led and firmware fail..

DJI F550
DJI DataLink 2.4Ghz
3s 3300
3s 5000
Aeroxcraft Landing Gear
Graupner 10x5 e-Props
Spektrum DX8
AR8000 Receiver
Fatshark Attitude SD
Sony Exview Had II CCD 650 Line Sony Effio-E
Fatshark Spironet Antenna's


VINF55O: Did you ever get to the bottom of your bad 5.14 firmware install? I now finally decided to take the plunge and try to install the 5.14 FW update to my WKM. I am so freaked out right now because this is the first time that an update has failed to work for me and it sounds like I'm having the same issues and symptoms that you had. During the install my WKM (on the DJI S800) got to the point where it told me to cycle the power to the WKM (which I did as I have always done) and then I started to get an odd pattern of beeps from my motors, a failed install and have not been able to get the unit to do anything since. I tried to re-power then re-install the FW but it just continues to make this odd pattern of beeps with slightly twitching props with each beep. The FW install doesn't seem to do anything now... just an odd, bouncing green progress bar that ultimately fails on the install screen. I JUST got this thing to finally work for me after all of these months of issues and now I am stuck again and not sure what to do. Any ideas?

I had the same problem as I recall, and it took several attempts before it worked properly? I think I just tried cycling the power then clicking the ok button or clicking it first then cycling the power, or pulling the usb out then cycling then relaunching dji assist... Was about a month ago so do not rightly remember? but I got it working using one of the above methods...


You can reset the WKM by connecting M5 & M6 together, then connect assistant software to re upgrade..

Let me know how you get on..
