RC pilots need the best available batteries that are not only cost effective by means of recharging capability but the highest energy density that is possible to obtain. At this point in time Lithium Polymer batteries are the best fit-for-purpose batteries available on the market today for RC and some other businesses.
Typical energy density is defined as either the amount of electrical energy per unit volume or electrical energy per unit weight. While both are important it is the weight of the batteries that is most critical for VTOL type aircraft such as helicopters and multirotors.
While it may be possible NOW to achieve much higher energy density batteries they would likely be very dangerous due to the use of toxic, unstable or radioactive ingredients etc. or might be of value for making explosives etc. and would not be allowed for public use.
FUTURE: One of the major benefits of fuel cells, i.e., batteries that use hydrogen is that one of the two battery reactants, i.e., is obtained from ambient air while the other, i.e., hydrogen has the highest energy density per unit weight of any reactant available today. But to achieve the highest energy density per unit volume, the hydrogen has to be highly compressed. That is possible now using low weight carbon fiber canisters. Keep in mind that the Multirotor motor and prop sizes must be large so as to reach the sweet spot for using a complete fuel cell system as the extra canisters etc. take up space and weight as well.