Uncontrolled spin


So flying the wkm today in GPS mode when I hit an uncontrolled spin. It happened as i brought it down below the tree line, so must be due to satellite loss. Recovered by flipping into alti mode. If you lose GPS single why would it just start spinning? Any experience with this.


Ya thats what I figured, but when I flipped to Alti mode the problem disappeared. I then took the Zenmuse off and flew it hard for two packs to see if I could replicate the problem but could not.


Was it very windy when you were flying? My WKM Y6 yawed about 45 degrees off of home heading while in RTH mode. It was preety windy the day I was flying. My craft tracked straight despite the yaw. I felt a little nervous, but I let the craft do its thing and return to home. The yaw moment was brief. I've never seen it happen again.

I think it's part of DJI's loss of motor/rotor/ESC firmware that will try to compensate for loss of one motor/prop by spinning the craft. I can only imagine in my case that the wind was too strong and set the parameters into motion to start recovery of a lost motor. Maybe it turned the craft at an angle to better compensate flight in the wind for its travel direction (since it is a Y6). My craft was under powered by having the same props top and bottom. I now have different pitched props.

Anyway.. Just ideas....
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Ya not a bad thought, however this was a full rotation spin, and not too windy. I've seen videos with a loss of motor where the whole craft goes into a larger circular motion, but this was fast spin in one spot. It has to be a ESC connection. I've flown it again with no problem. I'm swapping out the airframe for something more robust.
