Turn your f550 or 450 into a 600,700,800 plus size

Wow! This ship is pretty stable,,, Seems to fly perfectly, especially on a first test flight. Congratulations for your project and the results. If anyone had doubts, I think you demonstrated your point! I am also impressed with the current drawn; 14 + minutes on a 5000 mah leaving 20% in the battery is very good by all standarts.

I guess the last step is to see how much will the bird by able to handle with a load. I wouldn't be surprise if the results are as impressive. Again, good job!


New Member
Nice setup there. by the way. where did you get the mounting to the cf tube? then the cf tube and the motor mount? seems this project looks promising


D- With full disclosure going forward I will probably start helping skyrover a little with some things, one would be the website. Although for the time site is in its development phase I am hoping to clear it up some and start posting some products up there, including the arm kits, and complete copter kits.

At this time if you have any question or interested in getting something you can go to the contact page where you will find a phone number and email option. That will connect you to Bob the person behind all this. He is there.

I believe if you are looking at arm kits he's thinking of $65 a piece. That would include 1 clam shell puck for the end of the arm, one aluminum motor mount which sits on top of the puck, a carbon fiber boom, the frame mount, all the screws, and two rubber garments.

If you add them up for a hexa it would cost $390 or for a quad $260.

on the Hexa side if you purchase f550 center hub, you can find them around for $28 - $40, if you total it up at the end of the day you end up with a droidworx type frame for about 1/2 the price. All made in USA.

I still have some testing to go but its doing pretty good so far.

Hope this all help some

best wishes Jack


more flight results

on a fairly cold day, around 38 degrees Fahrenheit I hooked everything up, camera mount, servos, and camera and lift up with a one 6s - 5000mha I did a true 12min flight and never saw my first threshold light set for 21.0 volts. However once landed and charged the battery I found it taking 4000mha. I know my configuration is on the light side but at the end of the day I was pretty happy with the results.

I will post more as I go forward. one of my up coming test will be a 15min flight with two batteries and see where that leave me, then I will follow with a 18min flight.

I will let you all know how it goes as I get the results.

thanks all



Aerial Fun
Thanks for the progress reports. Sorry for all the questions. But here goes.

What size props are you using?
What is the landing/camera mount and is it 2 or 3 axis?
What is you best guess as to what you think is a safe camera weight assuming 1 6200ish battery?

I'm trying to configure my first unit for video. Would go with a Cinestar 6 or 8 but it's a bit much for a first unit and it's a bit more than I have to spend.

I'm not sure, but it appears that if the Skyrover frame is robust and flies stable and as well as being responsive when coupled with some bigger motors and props, this might be a more desirable flying configuration than the extending the stock plastic frame as discussed in the heavy lifter AeralMediaPro thread for the F550.

I'd appreciate any suggestions my parts list as to if I'm forgetting anything. Alternative suggestions are welcome. At this point I am leaning towards the basic DJI Naza/GPS controller for my starter system for manual flying.

NAZA with GPS Combo
F550 Center Hub (no frame)
Avroto M2814-11S Short Shaft (6)
DJIESC30A esc or Maytech 30amp 400Hz Refresh ESC (6)
Props...Probably go with Graupner but don't know size. Suggestions 12 or 13 ?
av130 landing gear base camera mount (not sure how this would mount and open to other low cost suggestions)
Futuba 8FGAS Super 2.4GHz Mode 2 or similar

Rough costs for above is about $1400 without a frame. Add the $390 for Skyrover and add $450 for 3 batteries and charger and I'm around $2250. A little more than I wanted to spend, but it seems reasonable if the unit is strong and stable with a GH2 on it.

First camera I'll be using is GH2 in either a 600-900 gram config with battery/lens.
Once confident I'll be using 700-1100 grams for video cam.
I also have a 5d Mark II which I haven't weighed, but it would be a bonus if I could fly this for photo's, but it's not in the plans right now. I have lots of storage, so I just set the 5d to taking 2-3 shot's per second and then throw out the crap after I look at them.

Using 6200 Lipos, is it too much to hope for 15+ minutes of flying time with camera and simple camera mount?

Again, I'm new so I'm open for suggestions as I try to figure this out.

Looks good. I am interested in purchasing the kit for the DJI F550 frame at some point over the next 2 to 3 months once my upgraded F550 with larger motors is flight proven with the aluminum extender plates for the existing DJI arms.


Aerial Fun
800mm is what I'd like. It's been asked about the strength of the frame. Is it set up so the 6 arms meet in the center and then there are 2 layers, 1 on top and 1 underneath? Any idea as to a light weight structural reimbursement to stiffen and strengthen it up a bit?

If one were to just buy the 2 power distribution boards foe the f550 and add this frame, what might you suggest for the simplest and cheapest landing struts to use temporarily for flying without a camera or gimble.

If you are a good flyer, have you considered going without a landing frame and simply landing the MultiRotor complete with camera in a large bucket? Increases airtime significantly as you are not carrying additional parasitic weight for landing.


loaded weight is coming in at 4042g that is with everything, camera, battery, gear, gimbals, motors, frame and longest flight so far on one 6s battery has been 12.5 min however that put me over the drawing threshold of 80% When charging it the battery took 4300mha out of 5000, so when I stepped it back to just under 12 min I hit my goal of 4000.

My camera is only a sony rx100 and its light. great photos, however have not worked out the video side completely.

more info to come.




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Thanks for asking, its been a little slow mainly I have been pretty busy on some other project and the temps are pretty low these days, but with that said, I have to say things are going very well.

The copter flies nice, I had it up the other day in something like 22kts winds and it did what it was suppose to do, its crap angle was pretty steep, but the wind for the most part was consistent. It fluctuated at times like between 15 to 22kts (that's my guess as a sailor - if I was on the water it would have been small craft warnings for sure.). In that situation control was not an issue.

Over all I am fairly happy for now, I have found some interesting things and believe see some decent progress with it.

For the longest time I was getting vibration in my video and could not figure for the life of me why, until recently. I found the gears I guess I can call them connection poles where to long and they extended into the prop wash, although while during flight I could not feel vibration at all, I was getting it in my vid, once i adjusted the configuration to pull them out of the prop wash I have seen some positive result.

At the end of the day I want consistency I want to take my copter, put a camera on it, plug it in and go. I do not want things to change because something was out of tune,

Here is a few short vids I did over the last week, the vid quality is not metered well since it was a dark day and the camera metered more of the sky then the tree area, that is because it was on auto everything, with that said I was fairly happy with the beginning of the vid where you see it hovering. The results were in the direction I am going for.

camera settings

Stabalization = completely off
Shutter, White Balance, = auto

No software deshaking involved

Next vid was a few days before, same camera stab off and auto everything else, here you will see some vib, No software deshaking involved but I working on a few things things trying to combat it, and this is also vid when the cf tubing being in the path of prop wash.

cheers all
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Paulo Paulino

New Member
I love you kit/modification but I am in Europe, it will take a long time till you finish it and you sell it in Europe :)
But this is really a great option for f550 owners. I will keep an eye on this.


Topflight, the mast of the copter sits 15cm above the copter, I am not how much matters but i remember when I was building things I read about keeping it as far way from the electronics as you could. I have seen many set up where they are not caring much about those things.
