Flights might be grounded until people start taking there test with Eurousc and EFSA give the permission to the operators.
The UK have had some incident but i don't think anybody has been injured. There maybe something i don't know about though ? (if anybody in the UK can answer)
Im not sure but you might be able operate without doing the ground school as you have been operating for some time now with a good record you should be able to gain your permission by contacting the INAC and showing your logs and evidence. Do you have an operations manual ? We have to write the operations manual before we can take our flight test in the UK to show the CAA how we plan to operate safely.
The UK have had some incident but i don't think anybody has been injured. There maybe something i don't know about though ? (if anybody in the UK can answer)
Im not sure but you might be able operate without doing the ground school as you have been operating for some time now with a good record you should be able to gain your permission by contacting the INAC and showing your logs and evidence. Do you have an operations manual ? We have to write the operations manual before we can take our flight test in the UK to show the CAA how we plan to operate safely.