Tiger-Motors U8 + 28x9,2 props


Not more than the "X8" is needed.

best regards


Active Member
Interesting design and concept. So, I'm guessing you are splicing together the esc's for each pair or motors and from what I can see in your diagram all the red motors are running CW and all the blues are CCW that way M8 and M4 would be running counter to one another etc...
I was surprised to see how small an esc you are running but I suppose with 16 motors it divides the draw that much more. Will you be carrying a camera at some point with this?

Following your design I should be able to use a NAZA or Super X for a FC. Do use the same principles when building your X12's?

Thanks for sharing.
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Yes, I always have alternating CW and CCW in one plane and CW CCW on one arm. This is of course independent on the FC. Here an X12 with a KK-board:
before it was a Naza:


The only point on my X16s is, that the FC needs to be able to be placed far off the center (important for ACC and GPS), like the WKM can be. If you only intend to use the rate-mode (manual mode) so gyros only, every FC can do that. The bigger the copter, the less work for the FC.

You can also fly an X8 as a quad ( + quad for the FC) following that principle.

I will post my results on the payload (with video), if I would mention it before there possibly would be discussions, but this copter is more towards lifting the operator with the cam than the cam only. And no, there is no cam planned on this copter, also the copter was not planned for a cam. Possibly it will just become a 1:5 millenium falcon.

These are only the first testing moves.

Yet another picture:

best regards
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Active Member
"The only point on my X16s is, that the FC needs to be able to be placed far off the center (important for ACC and GPS), like the WKM can be. If you only intend to use the rate-mode (manual mode) so gyros only, every FC can do that. The bigger the copter, the less work for the FC."

Why do you need to mount FC far off center?


First of all, since there is no frame in the center
Second because the center is free for all kinds of payload (above, through, below, ...)

best regards


What kind of test flight was THAT. No punch-outs, no flips.... Hahah kidding of course!

That is indeed an impressive machine :)

Well done.

Must be a bugger to fly light load like that, it looks like a serious floater!
