this is safe! they should definlty outlaw multirotors




  • ShotOver.jpg
    127.8 KB · Views: 365


My favorite was an old YouTube vid of a guy with one of these small two man heli's who duct taped a bottle opener onto one skid end and then proceeded to open 4 beer bottles sitting on the corners of a folding card table, between two rows of hangars without knocking over a single beer!

this seems like its just a great idea! multirotors will chop fingers off and this will take a small block out!


That is a great demonstration of the power of lens choice. A telephoto lens compresses the appearance of depth and makes the subjects look like they are closer together than they really are. You can use this to accomplish some fun stunt shots. Say you have a shot where you want to make it look like an actor is being hit by a car... Put the camera a ways down the street, then put a telephoto lens on it. Position your actor just beyond a distant intersection. A car goes through the intersection, left to right in the frame, and the actor reacts as if they have been hit. It will look as though they were hit, even though the actor was actually well behind the car going by (safe and unharmed). This is just one small example of how manipulating lens choice can have a dramatic impact on the shot.

That is a great demonstration of the power of lens choice. A telephoto lens compresses the appearance of depth and makes the subjects look like they are closer together than they really are. You can use this to accomplish some fun stunt shots. Say you have a shot where you want to make it look like an actor is being hit by a car... Put the camera a ways down the street, then put a telephoto lens on it. Position your actor just beyond a distant intersection. A car goes through the intersection, left to right in the frame, and the actor reacts as if they have been hit. It will look as though they were hit, even though the actor was actually well behind the car going by (safe and unharmed). This is just one small example of how manipulating lens choice can have a dramatic impact on the shot.

I totally get how the shot was achieved , none the less still retarded

What I do,

