Sorry I've not been around much lately, work has been keeping me far too busy. Need to do something about that! Since last time, have fitted the DJI rx, managed to get one antenna vertical and one horizontal, so in theory should be good, will have to wait and see. Easy to change if I need to as there is nothing else near it. Landing skids looked a little fragile so have added some nitto foam, and wrapped them in felt to cushion any rough landings. Power distribution board arrived, but it's not suitable, so will keep looking or may make my own. Had a cunning plan, which has worked out quite well. Have fitted a micro camera on bearings in the sting on the tail. Fitted counter balances so the camera is always horizontal. Should give a pretty unique view from behind looking at the top of the body, props etc and as it stays horizontal it should give a really good perspective of the tilt when moving forwards or backwards. Awful for filming purposes, but should give an interesting view. Need to add a bit more weight on the balances to overcome the wires resistance to movement, then I can finalize the wire routing. As it sits between the plates that make up the sting it's not visible from the side so should be nice and tidy when it's finished.
Big box of bits arrived today, so no prizes for guessing what I've been doing tonight! Gimbal came, not 100% that I'm going to use it yet, but it was only cheap, so no great loss if I decide against it and will be easier to remove later on than fit later on. Chucked that on, need to make an additional mount to ensure that it is secure, but got it fitted. Looks a lot better than expected, although the blue anti-vibration rubbers are already bugging me. Everything else that is clearly visible is black, silver or white. Gonna have to change them. Damn my OCD..... Also got 2x 600mW 5.8GHz tx's for video, 32 channel so should be able to run them both. Going to go for a Lilliput screen that has two rx's, so can switch cameras or have PIP, which could be very cool. Gimbal camera view with the sting view picture in picture
. Put the gimbal one behind the gimbal with a mushroom aerial pointing down. Sounds wrong, but looks ok and away from the gps, so hopefully no interference and as the Scorpion in flight will generally be higher than me I should get a good signal. Had to mount the sting one under the tail. Didn't really want to put anything outboard, but it's subtle enough, and have run the aerial next to the tail, so miles away from anything else, blends in nicely, and should give a good signal. Just need to decide what to do next. Motors and props would be nice so it looks closer to completion, although power distribution and ESC's would allow me to finish off the wiring which will probably be easier without the motors in place.