Hi Bruno, my first multicopter was the DJI F550 kit with everything as your kit above (only at that time there was only a Naza1). Its a good learning platform and reasonably priced. The Naza makes it easy to learn and to fly without too much time wasted on setup.
If you use Graupner E-props you can comfortably use 4S batteries with 10" props (larger diam prop can lift more weight).
Do not use the original DJI props in cold weather as they will break in flight.
>I have a 9ch RX with satellite ? I assume a 9 channel Radio, the Naza has its own satellite GPS sensor for navigation.
If I were you for a few dollars more the Naza v2 would be the better option and its the latest release. I have seen Naza v1 with gps advertised for $280 us thats a good deal but they seem all to be out of stock.
The other option would be to buy a Naza lite they would be about half the price of Naza-M v2.
I found my standard F550 was fine and performed well in its basic configuration, but when I added landing gear, gimbal, telemetry and GoPro2 the craft became far less responsive due to the extra weight (2450grams) and the limited power of the dji motors (only 120 watt motors).
If you are going to load the F550 with stuff I would recommend buying more power full motors like the Tiger MT2216 motor 900kv or 800kv.
If these are too expensive then the SunnySky V2216 version2 900kv or 800kv motors are also very good (some places selling them for about $25 each).
The DJI ESCs' are good, you can buy these items separately, the only things you do not need from DJI are the motors and the props.
Regards - bruce