Tarot 650 Build - Parts Are Arriving


Active Member
Just pre-assembling some of the gear to see how things will come together. Not sure if I will use the fourth level, but if I do it will house the antennas. The KDE motor's and ESC's will be here Tuesday. I need to pick up some Silicone wire this week. We have a really good hobby shop (Hobby Barn) that's been here in Tucson for 50 years. Have not been in that shop for years. I know they use to be on the national scene in shipping products. I think they are under new ownership as Bill sold out, maybe to a family member.






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Active Member
Sounds like standard Hobby King procedure I stopped buying anything of real value from them after it took two months and lots of harassment of HK on my part before I received my bottom of the line Fat Shark goggles. One more thing when it comes to the Naza V2 make sure you ALWAYS turn on your radio before plugging in the power on your quad or the whole package just might fly off into the sunset like mine did. If you do mess up on plugging things in right then start over because the Naza I had did all the right flashing so I thought things were fine that is until it got a mind of it's own. I am staying with the Naza lite because it seems to be more forgiving and if you see my "Y" copter post, the Naza works perfect in that and in a Quad configuration. I also use a Futaba radio, that brand has never let me down because it is quality stuff my first Futaba radio worked fine for twenty years until I gave it to my son who left it in a wet storage area. I used to buy HK batteries too but found the higher end batteries are more dependable and perform consistently and I don't have to wait a month or two to receive them. You may find with the 10C discharge on your batteries even wired in parallel to make 2o may make your quad a little sluggish in it's operation, I have two 25C three cell batteries running in parallel making 50C and for me that seems to work well, I will follow this post because I think this is going to be an interesting read to see how things progress for you. Been in the RC hobby for over thirty years still listen to the experience of others and have done everything from boats to helicopters so I am speaking from experience on my part, love the hobby and will until the day they pack me off in a box.

Bensid54, My first RC radio was a Kraft 74 back in the early 70's followed by Futaba's, Proline's, Airtronic's, etc. Use to work for Dumas Boats of which I believe is now Dumas Products. Have had boats, cars, glider, stunt planes, pipers, etc.

SJBrit, I have an account with McMasterCarr. I do not find them cheap at all on their products. In fact I feel they are expensive, but they do carry everything under the sun.


Thanks for the kind reply, good to know you are well seasoned with RC products I'm going to enjoy this thread.


Active Member
Thanks for the kind reply, good to know you are well seasoned with RC products I'm going to enjoy this thread.

Well my RC skills are very dated, this new equipment and all the programming within the Radio/Naza/Computers scares the hell out of me. I know I will have lots of questions as questions are popping up in my head now, but until the KDE motors and ESC's are in hand not much can be down. I look at radios today compared to years gone bye, FM radios were just coming out when I decided that family was more important. I did drag out a few of my old soldering stations. Will need to clean them up and test them plus buy some other soldering gear. T



I've always had good success with Hobby King motors and ESC however I did find the cheaper HK ESC to be less sensitive to inputs rather choppy in operation. Right now my spending in this hobby has been reduced due to the fact my attention has been focused on my RC Greek Bireme.


  • Big Bireme Nov 20 2014 001.JPG
    Big Bireme Nov 20 2014 001.JPG
    90 KB · Views: 228


Active Member
I've always had good success with Hobby King motors and ESC however I did find the cheaper HK ESC to be less sensitive to inputs rather choppy in operation. Right now my spending in this hobby has been reduced due to the fact my attention has been focused on my RC Greek Bireme.

Nice, what scale is the Bireme? Kit or scratched built?


Active Member
My build is on hold until I get the motor mounts. I did not like the stock mounts and had ordered mounts from HobbyKing but they screwed up my order and Chase has now refunded my purchased temporary until Chase finishes with their investigation as to why HobbyKing did not get the charges even through Chase paid on them.


Bireme is scratch built, not sure about the scale but it's 42 inches long the oars will be one foot long so when finished it will be very noticeable in the water.


Active Member
My build has stalled due to waiting on parts. I did relocate my second PDB which controls the 5v and 12v power to the bottom of the quad on the inside of the battery bracket. This separated the two PDB's and will make much easier solder everything up and mount them. During my down time I manage to balance the 15x5 carbon props. Until the motor mounts arrive I am not to excited to stuff the frame with any of the other equipment.





Active Member
After looking at a half dozen prop jigs at our local Hobby Barn it was a no brainer not to purchase the Du-Bro Tru-Spin Prop Balancer. In short time I had the props balance horizontally as well as vertically. Sorry for the blurry photos, I did not want to use the flash, the shutter speed is slow and photos are not as sharp.


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I have one of those they are about the best out there in my opinion, nice looking props what are you using for hubs?


Active Member
I ordered a few sets of these hubs after watching their video. STO

Not sure I buy the reason why others are warping, but the dial indicator is what sold me, Will see once they get here as I will put them on a dial.



What is the purpose of a voltage alarm? Sounds like a dumb question but I'm assuming it makes a sound and can you even hear that sound when she's flying?


Active Member
What is the purpose of a voltage alarm? Sounds like a dumb question but I'm assuming it makes a sound and can you even hear that sound when she's flying?

Mainly just to have a visual of the voltage in the LiPo pack prior to take off, but it does have the ability to set a save voltage value with an alarm to get the quad down safely. How loud the alarm may be is a question as I have not tested the alarm. Weighs nothing, cheap to purchase under $4.00.

I took the stock Tarot 650 motor mounts and cut them down so that I had flat surface to mount the Naza LED and the Voltage Alarm. Both will get additional Velcro straps to secure the devices to the leg.






I can set a low voltage alarm of which will sound while in flight. Will also give me the status of the overall voltage within the pack

That's my question. Would you even hear it in flight with prop noise and any reasonable distance. I'm skeptical.


Active Member
That's my question. Would you even hear it in flight with prop noise and any reasonable distance. I'm skeptical.

I'm skeptical as well. My high pitch hearing is not what it use to be. If it does not work out the $4.00 alarm goes into the junk box.
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Active Member
I did receive the STO prop hubs today. Unbelievable how quick these arrived from Taiwan yet my parts from HK are on the around the world tour, but without the remaining parts the entire build is on hold.

